Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My makcik kuih

Nenek's lagi softer rupanya

...is dead.On July 7, 2009.

Imagine being told this by her maid when I went to collect my fav kuih bakar.

"Nenek mana?"


"Yah, nenek."

"Dia sudah meninggal," said the maid indifferently.

And she told me when.Sakit tua.I asked if the kuih were ever going to be the same again.Maid said it was her all this time.Nenek just counted the money, she said.I asked how long she had been with Nenek.She said 3 years (but I swear it was a different maid before)

When I buka puasa with my kuih bakar...it tasted not of Nenek's! Tepongnya terlebih (I remember Nenek said the trick was to put more santan and more telor so the texture would be softer)And how dare the gal said Nenek had no role in baking the kuih!(the truth is folks, Nenek reminded me of my own maternal grandma I lost when I was 15.Yah...the one who would bake bahulu dgn pemukul spring every Ramadan.Her kuih koci pun best in the world)

Al fatihah to both Neneks.Ramadan is getting younger as the old ones pass on.


jooli said...

I too made bahulu (with my stepgrandmother) with pemukul spring, lots2 of telor, sugar. Bakar over dapur kayu with api sabut on top. Tedious, but well worth the soft, moist kuih. Yummmm

jooli said...

Oh, forgot the tepung. Must have tepung.

Lady of Leisure said...


culinary skill oleh nenek2 kita ni rugi kalau tak dipelajari..

kalau raya, mesti nak makan ketupan my nenek, dibuat pakai kelapa pandan, santan pun diperah dengan air kelapa, imagine kesedapannya..
tapi sorang pun tak belajar..

alamatnya lepas ni kalau nak makan ketupat, kene beli kat Ketupat Che Don la..

Faridah said...

Jooli: hahaha...same generation, same acuan.Don't you find it siksa as well? Our elders wanted us to be like them.I dread nolong mengacau dodol (and it was a family thing which you could not say No to...all the uncles, aunties, cousins coming together for a gotong royong, then masing2 ambik portion masing2.Melemang pun macam tu...can you imagine the older siblings kena pi cari buluh sendiri? I was lucky I was still young and ramai older siblings to do the dirty job...and by the time I got married and all, budaya mcm ni dah tak da.We just buy dodol or lemang from places we know sedap.In a way, the togetherness pun dah takda.I mean I don't see my uncles/aunties or cousins that much anymore except ziarah Raya which might last 30 mins to one hour per house.But if you ask me to kacau or melemang lagi..er...no thank you.Very tedious joblah.Lebih baik sembang2, kan, without doing anything. :)

But what we enjoy now is Raya Haji when we do the korban.That kinda gotong royong isn't too bad cos' the whole kampong comes to help one another.If you curi tulang, no one notices.You pun kena pandai buat2 sibuk: buat air for the crowd ke, tolong2 timbang daging ke.I'm so good at this.Hahaha.Lepas tu pandang sekali lagi, dah lesap.

We try to do korban every year.And I get to see and joke with my funny cousins once again.Depa ni memang kaki lawak.Kuat mengutuk! In an affectionate way.

Faridah said...

Lady: I'm glad we have this discussion. Memang betul..we should not allow our tradition die.Jom kita belajar buat kuih2/makanan2 tradisi ni.At least ambik resipi and cara membuatnya dahulu.Must be documented.I should go back to KB to learn itik sula believed to be hidangan istana lama Kelantan.Must do before Nik's makcik passes away.

Lagi satu I nak belajar is bubur cukur cucu (yahlah..mana tau nanti nak jadi grandma in 10 years' time ke)It's just not enough to know the recipe but more importantly how to do it.

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...


Nampaknya you kena buat sendirilah lepas ini.

Kalau nak resepi kuih bakar sedap -I can get it for you.G ot it from my neighbour who makes good kuih bakar. I used to bake kuih bakar during my univ. days guna resepi dia.(Read: ponteng kuliah semata-mata nak buat kuih bakar!)

Sanggup naik tren ke Leeds cari daun pandan (real ones) dan santan dalam tin) to make one.

Orang-orang rawa ni suka kuih bakar agaknya..hehehe.

Hmmm..elok jugak kalau I buat kelas mengajar resepi kuih bakar to you and ajak sekali your international students tu..Hahaha!

You remember or not gelamai (dodol like thing from Padang tu) I gave it to you? It's also part of Rawa/Minang thing.

Lady of Leisure said...

hehe.. agree with u dr..
next time bila kita pulak jadi nenek, cucu kata nak makan kuih bakar takkan kita nak bawak pi beli kat kedai kan, mesti nak buat dengan air tangan sendiri..

i think i better learn how to anyam ketupat and all those traditional menus from my nenek before my cucu laugh at me.. :D

Faridah said...

Dr Bubbles: you are back!Streamyx dah ok la tu gamaknya. And sanggup pulak jadi tukang masak.Hahaha.Macamana you buat kuih bakar in England? Tak ke kena ada acuan besi tu? Dan dibakar atas dapor arang?Anything else will be yorkshire pudding. :))

Pls email me cara2 dan recipe kuih bakar.

Lady: Ketupat lagi lah susah nak menganyamnya.Baik I kacau dodol!I berapa kali belajar, tak pandai2.I think like Maths, kena practise tiap2 hari.And I hate Maths.