Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Taking the environment a little too much?

I cringe bila berdepan dgn org so eager to "buka tanah" ie build segala that will make the world feels more congested and suffocating than it is already. Jenih pantang nampak tanah lapang. walau sekangkang kera. They must build. And we know they can't build. They are merely contractors and people with interests. Grggh. I had written to my MP of the so called kerajaan baru too. Ada dia kisah? Build to overbuild.

In the words of my aruah Wan: takda mana nak lari dah.

Prof H found my computer IP had been tampered with. Am I surprised? The uni server is like an open highway. sesapa pun boleh gerodam. Lantak kau la labu. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Your investments for the hereafter

Calling all philanthropists and donors!

Seeing duit yang berbilliun2 diambil dari rumah bekas PM makes me wonder, berapa banyak scholarships, labs yang boleh benefit from that amount. If Datin Rosmah is reading this, boleh tak sedekah sedikit for us? A lot of young people can benefit from that, it will be your investments for akhirat (and dunia also).

Call me. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

New Year

Habis bersawang dah blog ni. No time to update.

Selamat tahun baru Gregorian. Takda maknanya kalau perangai lama tu tak berubah. :)

I had an early bday celebration on Dec 30 before Z flew back to Holland. Then on my bday, I lied low (maklum dah tua) but office pun bagi kek and at home, kek from Z and dad and a bunch of purple roses. They gave me a club membership - suruh go swimming and pi gym. AllahuAkbar! I ended up pi chiropractor at the club. Lagi berfaedah. Haha. OKlah I pi swimming juga and will resume my swimming lessons.

Visitors bertali arus. Semalam was the busiest but alhamdulillah it went well. Sheikh al Thani came to visit, gave a talk. Then a doctoral student from Goethe Uni in Frankfurt dropped by to speak on her short film. All morning amanat Menteri at UPM..bumped into a few friends, saw some from a far tapi ramai sgt orang, tak sempat berbual.I had to leave early to prepare for that Qatari talk.

Mcm lari marathon.

Today dok melayan an alum from Bosnia, petang pi Australia High Comm (my alum function..bawak Lan sbb bidang dia).

We will start a new sem in Feb so sementara can pulun, pulun. :)