Thursday, March 05, 2015

Are you the right person doing the right job?

I wear different tudungs (hats) at my workplace.Sometimes I'm the DD for a Research Centre.Other times I'm BoD of a subsidiary company.Most of the time I'm just a "slave" to my students (teacher -- I wait for them to arrive for my lessons; supervisor of theses that take so long to finish/sometimes they don;t finish at all, researcher waiting for buah gugur/tak, community worker, yada yada).

I'm not complaining ..syukur kita masih hidup, Msia masih aman.Kah kah.But yesterday at the Strategic Planning workshop, we were told something which was so close to us: the loss of fire in us.We are too complacent being just good instead of striving to be great.We are most of the time, holding up the org from achieving its potential cos' we are so set in doing ways the way we did 30-40 years ago.Padan la pun if we have not moved from tangga 500 for the last two years in the uni ranking.We are not trying hard to innovate, think differently, dare to take the risk, be less've heard it all.

Kata Dr Malar, our facilitator...for any org to grow well, you need this composition (I like this so much - ahaks): 30% Gen X (hok tua2 mcm I ni) and 70% Gen Y (cos' they can run faster, full of life, enthusiastic about everything, anything but kadang2 annoying juga sebab semua nak cepat.Haha).Gen X masih diperlukan sebab they have tacit knowledge (toxin pun banyak juga) and network bagus2.So if they merajuk don't say go..we can always replace you.Wrong! Dr Malar told us about her friend in an org she used to work with.This guy had been with the org for about 40 years.He could tell which tyre is new or old just by biting it! Dr Malar said why would he not pass that kinda knowledge to Gen Y.He said he'd do that if Gen Y knows how to respect him.Wough! But lesson to be learnt O Gen Y is this: you must respect the older colleagues kalau nak ilmu dia (dan network dia). :))

This goes back to my blog entry question.I called a curtain shop to order a new blind (sikit je..pintu and tingkap which is tak cukup tinted..want to cover it lah.Kekadang waktu solat nak buka itu ni.Bilik mengadap male colleagues' rooms.Kang ada yang mati terkejut :) ) Kedai Melayu.Dia boleh suruh I ukur sendiri the tingkap and pintu.I told her maaf I'm not comfortable with this type of business (I nak ukur dgn apa? Pembaris pun takda!) Then I tried another no.I asked first: do you visit kalau kerjanya kecil? She said yes enthusiastically.Kedai Melayu juga (phew!) I asked bila boleh datang.She said sekarang? (well in two hours).

Dr Malar said if we are not happy doing what we do, quit.Don't let your attitude shortchange your business/organisation.Byk je orang nakkan kerja kat luar sana or genuinely interested in what they do.

Sekali sekala dapat refreshing workshop macam ni (RM1K sekepala OK?) bertenaga balik kita bekerja (and I passed that to my students yang tak bermaya today.Gen y tu..they have lost the gen y zest ..until provoked.Intelligent lot they are!)


Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...

Salam, nak tanya sikit, do you have a space to rent (kalau boleh nak free, sebab tak ada bajet) in your office to be used for hospital clowning training during weekends? Tgh cari. Pi KL Library, got a nice room with aircond tapi not open for rental anymore.

Faridah said...

Ada but usually the uni (yang juga tak berduit) rents it out.In fact they are doing this actively..sewa org kawin etc.Let me ask if they can rent cheap.For how many hours and how long? Nak air con ke tak? Classroom biasa weekends aircons ilek.Pukul 7 pm pun dah tutup - nak save electricity.