Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Taking the environment a little too much?

I cringe bila berdepan dgn org so eager to "buka tanah" ie build segala that will make the world feels more congested and suffocating than it is already. Jenih pantang nampak tanah lapang. walau sekangkang kera. They must build. And we know they can't build. They are merely contractors and people with interests. Grggh. I had written to my MP of the so called kerajaan baru too. Ada dia kisah? Build to overbuild.

In the words of my aruah Wan: takda mana nak lari dah.

Prof H found my computer IP had been tampered with. Am I surprised? The uni server is like an open highway. sesapa pun boleh gerodam. Lantak kau la labu. 

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