Friday, May 10, 2019

Cambodia again

My 3rd trip to Phnom Pehn  was a rushed one. Dato H texted me about getting an invitation for iftar with Hun Sen. Qatar hasn't gotten back to me so I thought pi la meet Hun Sen kot2 his gomen can help our projects there.

So we roped in the other 2 and off we went on the same flight. Kerja ni semua belanja sendiri. Dato H bawak a new member so ramai juga la jadinya. First day Ramadan berbuka buah kurma in the  van and only an hour later (traffic jam) baru dpt makan Thai near our hotel.

Besoknya we had some time to look around pasar kuning but I dah tak ada mood nak berjalan2 sbb panas sgt. Mana2 pi nampak org jual air kelapa and air tebu. Prof M and I decided to balik awal on the Tuk Tuk. Then I just slept till almost time to go to the Convention Hall.

Mak ooi..5000 guests and Hun Sen fed us like Kings and Queens. Sedap betul makanannya. There were other VVIP guests from IDB, Mufti Wilayah and Chairman Mawp pun ada. Like the whole world was there (Muslim organisations) The Muslim community loves Hun Sen sbb di baik dgn mereka. I was being pushed by reporters masa berdiri nak greet him (we got to be pretty close to his laluan).Nyaris tak tersungkur. But gitulah kalau pemimpin disayangi rakyat. Kalau Bossku...takda la gamaknya. Heh heh.

The guy from IDB Jeddah was very philosophical. He said we must be like Makkah in doing good..always start with the individual (not Madinah..the community). Amboi, first time I dengar ni. Quotable.

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