Monday, September 13, 2021

Gugurnya sebutir mutiara IMAN

 Kak Am passed away yesterday at slightly after 4 pm. I received a poster from Prez Abim of her demise. I thought it was a condolence on the passing of her husband 2 months ago but a small print in the takziah poster said on her return to rahmahtullah. I had to read it many times before I forwarded it to my IMAN network. Semua terkejut sebab we never knew Kak Am sakit.

She died of cancer. Late stage and it had spread to her liver, usus, stomach which she didn't know till a couple of days ago. Betapa mudah and how she didn't have to go through all those painful treatments.  Kak Oni kata itulah God's mercy on her. Dengan tumour yang besar, Kak Am masih kuat ke sana sini working for the ummah. Tanpa dia merasanya.

I wanted to tunggu kat kubur je but masa tu jenazah belum sampai so I bergegas ke masjid Mujahidin in Dsara Utama. Jenazah dah selamat dimandikan dan dikapankan. I just sat at one side sbb dah tak sempat nak ambik wudhu and cari kain telekong. Anggota IMAN lain duduk jauh so could not make it.

Mlmnya we did virtual tahlil. Very emotional mo for all. I'm glad we could verbalise our grief as we spoke of Kak Am's good deeds and how she inspired us in her kerja-kerja amal.

Dato Osman Bakar told Kak Oni: perginya sebutir lagi mutiara bagi kita semua.

Semoga Allah ampunkan Kak Am, menerima semua amal-amal baiknya dan menempatkannya di kalangan para solehah.

Alfatihah for Kak Am dan rakan-rakan IMAN yang telah pergi Saba, Aldila, Che Nor.

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