Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday lunch

Swabry text-ed me tanya khabar just before I left for Seoul. I told him I was so busy to catch up with the boyz after last balik raya trip but promised that soonest I could, we'd arrange for lunch at my place or something.

Yesterday Nik and I decided today would be a good day to get together so I sms-ed the 4 boyz and asked boleh datang ke tak.Except for Adnan who could only come after 2 pm, the rest said 1 pm was fine for lunch.

I googled for recipes last nite.Decided to cook Kenyan rice, Central African Republic's chicken stew, Palestinian's salad and Bosnian's dessert with ice cream. I didn't even know how some of these items looked like but I was willing to go on an adventure.My mom thought I was really 'rajin' to do all this. The truth is also Shahrir told me he couldn't cater for me this Saturday.Sat. ni dia cuti, Sunday OK.

When the 4 boys came, I asked if they recognised any of the dishes.Swabry knew right away (I was very happy with this..maknanya menjadilah tu).Yang lain tu blur2 sikit...Ali took some time before saying yes! African stew! Mahmoud pointed to the salad cos' he saw the olives (it was a wild guess...tomato pun silap potong.Mahmoud said it should be chopped smaller BUKAN potong seketul besar macam tu). Adnan buat2 lupa when he saw my Bosnian dessert.He said he knew looked right but he could not remember its name (mana tak..I gulung macam kuih ketayap!)

But you know what? Everyone loved their lunch! Sampai nak bungkus bawak balik (tapi dah habis).Berbaloi! (I love cooking but in a year, boleh bilang berapa kali setahun dapat masak untuk family and guests.No timelah).

Will post some pics soonest Z uploads them (me too malas to do this.Z dah start cuti)


Nik Nor Zafirah said...

that was a lovely lunch you cooked. thanks! maybe you could do it again? =)

Faridah said... wish! Next time you tolong lagi yah?