Monday, August 01, 2011

Of molest, sexual harassment and all that jazz

It's hard to focus on work when you are involved in matters to do with sexual harassment and molest in this country.

First of all, we do not even have a sexual harassment act in this country, ok? (mengikut Betty of AWAM). I do not think that many women (and men) are aware of what sexual harassment is.Or what to do if it happens.Betty says most of the time, it is the victims who feel guilty and embarrassed to report (their family members too!) so in the end, no one speaks up except the brave ones.

I am in a dilemma whether to lodge a police report/not on an incident which happened in 2009.I spoke to a couple of police officers (both of Sexual Harassment and Commercial Crime Depts).While they told me I was free to do as I wish (to report or not), it would be difficult to move anywhere if I did not have strong proof or evidence.Haiyoo..we are talking about sexual harassment here, OK? How does one prove it? (an emotional/psychological mark can be measured by what??) Do not expect support from places which are supposed to protect us.Betty was nice.Her words were encouraging (they made me like leaping out of my own comfort zone and making me want to make that report.I just might now!)

Anyway, I believe justice will bounce back from whatever space it is being squashed now.I hope my friends who are working hard to nail a very, very slick con man will succeed before too long.

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