Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Greetings from Mendrisio, Switzerland!

 *Foxtown, the factory outlet in Switzerland

 taklah murah..but!

 Lindt, as you have not seen it elsewhere

We walked from the station to Foxtown cos' taxis were hard to find

Destinies are from God.We never planned to cross borders but Nik was asking the lady at the reception ada ke factory outlet in Como.

Surprise, surprise, she said 20 mins away..but in Switzerland.Naik taxi 100 euros pergi balik.We were willing to do it.But Nik asked about trains.Mak stop away about 5 mins to Chiasso, then change trains to Mendrisio (which is Switzerland already..kena bawak passport tapi kastam tak periksa pun..tapi satu mamat Afrika dah kena cekup.Maybe random).Naik train gini tak sampai 50 euros untuk 2 orang (pergi balik.So kita jimat 50 euros.Kali 4: RM200).

Then from the station, jalan kaki pi Fox Town, factory outlet yang jual semua branded items.Aiyooo...ini mmg rezeki ...

Fashion is a season behind so harga pun 30% off.Kita pun mcm org kaya beli Bally, Prada, silk scarf itu ini..and hey, Lindt chocs yang takda jual kat mana2..and I got to drink Lindt choc drink..mak oiii..choc pekat OK? (bukan serbuk chocolate).Ya Allah, terima kasih.Can I come this way again? :))

Mawar, betullah..I nak migrate tinggal kat Lake Como and buka B&B, jual nasi lemak.Org Turki dah kontrol kebab chain kat sini (halal).George Clooney mesti suka nasi lemak I.Haha.

Lake Como ni betul2 di tengah2 antara Milan dan Mendrisio.Sungguh convenient!


Mawar said...

Kak F
tidak geram dengan prada, bally atau selendang sutera. tapi tidak boleh tahan dengan LINDT!!!

Faridah said...

Haha..memang..masa lady Lindt tu served me choc drink, dia scooped choc mcm scoop ice cream dan blended as choc drink with milk and ice..AllahuAkbar Mawar...high kejap...

But ada satu choc Switzerland yang bukan Lindt my fren selalu kasi bila dia ke Geneva/Zurich on work (tapi dah lama tak jumpa dia ni dan dia tinggal di Penang now..susah nak kirim).Fui, itu lagi sedap gila.I ingat wrapping dia mcm wrap gula2 warna biru muda..ada gambar rose di atasnya.The best chocs come from Switzerland,I think.