Sunday, October 28, 2012

Raub is my New York

Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar Raub
(tempat yang dikatakan berlaku keciciran)

I wrote earlier about wanting to wait for the end of a story.It has just ended, alhamdulillah..So now I can blog about it so that we all can learn something out of the experience.

I lost my handbag yesterday.I only realised it as we packed to go back to KL at 5 pm.I was certain I left it at the masjid Raub's kitchen counter cos' I was helping the kaum Ibu prepare drinks for people doing the daging qurban.Hot day,OK? So I made them iced soda drinks (yang org komplen manis sangat tu..)

Dalam kecoh2 menyibuk tu, Nik ckp we got already our share of daging korban and ajak I balik.So we left around 10.30 am.Balik tu after lunch dgn daging fresh tu (I buat barbecued pieces),kita pun tertidur mcm hari malam.

After zohor, tidur lagi.Yes, Raub is like a resort.Kalau balik,mesti nak tidur je.Haha.

At about 5pm, selepas berkemas2, I realised my handbag was no where to be found.Searching squad was immediately set up led by Bibik and my sisters.Then we decided that I must have left it at the mosque.Off we went to the mosque.The team members were all busy on their phones.Ada yg called the Imam, Tok Siak, saudara mara.Didn't expect to be so kecoh!

At the mosque: the tok siak was already alerted.He said yes, he saw a black handbag on a chair in the kitchen but by lunch time,it was gone.We looked up and down anyway.I looked bawah periuk..entah apa ke jadah I cari bawah periuk! :))

Then we went to the Imam's house.He said no one went to him to return anything lost and found.Usually they would.

Then my bro in law's dad arrived.So nice a soul.We looked again.Then he said just proceed with a police report cos' I would need my ic,license, credit cards and bank cards anyway.So off we went to Balai Polis Raub.

The sarjans semua takda so the kind policewoman who took my report and her friend rang up Inspector Anthony who came soon after.Young rooky.We just reported cicir cos' if reported stolen lagi panjang cerita.But he was kind enough to rush to the scene with another rookie and a photographer.Fuiyo...

But time was running late.We had to rush bck to KL.Said our thank yous and after Maghrib at my mom's, we left.By then I was texting everyone.Biasalah,kan? Drama Queen.Yang kat Mekah pun kena gerodam. Students yg alim pun I minta tolong buat special doa.Yg kat Africa, kat Dhaka, semua bergerak sama. :))

At 2 am, my sis text-ed me tengah tidur asking if there were progress.I texted bck saying pls let me sleep.haha.I think people worried more than me.

Bangun pagi, I teringat my life in my handbag...I was so down. But my chant was redho, redho, sabar, sabar.Somehow, everyone felt I would get back my life.I felt it too.

After sending my mom to my sister's ada youngest sis rang up to say she found my handbag!!! At my mom's place in Raub!!! We were like' the squad had looked everywhere.And I don't recall bringing it home with me.Medihah was right.Senility, catching up...

But syukur alhamdulillah although I still need to do new atm cards tomorrow but less work now.

Lessons: Talbiah is not a music you dance to ( my secret with my youngest sister).
                Buy and use cheap handbags.
                Build a doa network.If something like this happens, you know who to call.
                Calling up Tok Batin is a no-no.
                Have faith in Allah.If you ask, He will give. Learn to let go.
                If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

After all, it is just a handbag.


Mawar said...

Kak F,
akhirnya, alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin!

Faridah said...

Itulah kisahnya dik oii.Syukur alhamdulillah. I patut buat mcm kawan I..pi mana2 bwk photocopy ic/lesen.Kalau hilang,boleh buat sendiri!