Sunday, September 18, 2022

Post ZafgotRob wedding receptions

 Some of you were there on Aug 6 and 7, 2022. Alhamdullilah diizinkan Allah we held both receptions dgn selamat. About 700 guests (500 +200) were hosted.

Im happy tht some of my friends from USA, Vietnam, Qatar flew in to share our joy. Friends from my uni days, IIUM also came. It was as I had dreamt it to be. I loved the band which I had carefully identified 2 years ago. It lived to my expectation. Our guests enjoyed it too. 

Post all these, Im slowly recovering. The empty nest syndrome is definitely here. Z and R pulak semakin busy in their career. Sorang di Barat, sorang di Timur. R is in NY for 3-4 months. Z continues to travel on work. I feel so static. But alhamdullilah jobs keep coming sampai I rasa sesak nafas with deadlines. Makin nak pencen, makin byk itu ini.