Tuesday, July 04, 2006

ISO Craze

I have nothing against ISOs or SOPs or what have you. In fact, I think they are great! It becomes crazy when you pretend and play foul in your attempt to get that ISO certification.This includes painting everything nice and rosy when the auditors come and taking them out again (e.g facilities you claim your organisation has) the moment they turn around.I wonder how many organisations do this. I hope IIUM doesn't! I hope auditors will not judge the physical appearance only (or that all the documents are in order).Talking to the grassroot is very, very important.This includes talking to the students, administrative staff and hey, even our cleaners and gardeners to hear if goodness has really spilled over to everyone, regardless of class, gender and faith. :)

My Kulliyyah is on the verge of applying for a certain ISO for a certain thing. I think this is excellent. I know it will not be easy. We always think of the money involved (have we it? Is it enough? ), the commitment, the teamwork and stamina of staff to see it through...and later, the spirit to maintain what you have achieved. This is probably more difficult than starting out.

I have faith as long as it is done with good intention (no foul play). To my Kulliyyah, good luck! The support will always be there. May Allah guide us and give us enough sabar (patience) to be where we want to be.

1 comment:

Faridah said...

woit! saya telah ditemuramah..rasa2nya kalau ujian lisan..pass kot? :))

Yang penting berkata benar: to improve the system and working environment.

At least saya ada peratus yang boleh saya kibar-kibarkan kepada internal auditor saya dan beliau boleh letak nombor2 itu di dalam kotak2 auditingnya. :)