Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Raya with CCIL

Z and her father thought it was really funny catching me chatting with members of CCIL. What does it stand for, Z asked. thinking it's some kind of international commission macam SUHAKAM kaa apa kaa.

I said Cucu Cicit Imam Long.

She and her dad ketawa berguling-guling.

What's so funny? Macam some underground secret society, she said. It is, said I. Grinning.

We met for the first time in 7 generations in Temau. I main redah je. Nasib baik they were kind. Siap bagi location. It was a real countryside. Got tobek..angsa, itik, rabbits, peacocks (30 ekor!), burung from rare species, herbal garden, rusa, kambing..ohh what a heaven! We all loved it. Robert nak datang lagi bawa kawan2 nanti, katanya yang baru digigit tikus jari kakinya (it became a raya joke for days).

We went visiting rumah sedara mara (yang semakin sedikit sebab ramai dah meninggal). First day at Kak De's and second day at Long's. A lot of laughter over me teaching Robert important Malay expressions like "saya haus"and "saya lapar". He will survive with that. :)

Balik KL we went visiting sedara mara in KL pulak (yang tak berapa sihat).Tiring juga dok makan minum ginih but nice meeting setahun sekali. :)

Back at work, I managed to accomplish quite a lot, alhamdulillah. I need the quiet to focus. Give me more time and space. Kerja menimbun ni.

1 comment:

Mawar said...

Kak F
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