Sunday, July 11, 2021

Alfatihah Dr. Khamsiah Ismail

Dr Khamsiah Ismail passed away today hari Ahad malam Isnin at 8.35 pm. Text anak dia I dapat sejam lewat because I was busy marking fyp dissertations.

Macam biasa it took me a while to process the news.Mula-mula tak tau nak rasa apa, cakap apa. Then macam biasa I frantically looked for those who knew her to cry together. I have lost all who would pick the phone at a ring.Kawan2 lain pun habis tak sihat and biasa tidur awal.By then I was sobbing. Akhirnya Prof Noraini picked the phone and empangan terus pecah. Dia pun belum dengar cerita sedih ni. Pastinya dia tak tau head or tail.I kept hearing her saying what? apa? I had to say the news twice.

Then she sensibly said we would all go too, sabar dan pray that she will be placed in jannah.

IMAN, WPRU, PERAK groups semua kenal dia. Semua sedih.

It will take me a while to get over this. Please sedekah alfatihah for Dr Khamsiah Ismail,a good academic, researcher, counselor, a good friend, a good human being.

Dari Allah kita datang, kepadaNya kita kembali.

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