Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Orang nampak kita senyum

Dr Wan and Dr Fauziah and I have started our research on the Rawas (Wan got the FRGS grant...I am her co-researcher) and as I was trying to get in touch with Dr. Talib Samat, found out that he had passed away in April this year.Al fatihah. I suka puisi dia. But I tried my luck calling his old number ..his wife took it. And we bonded immediately cos' I pun masih dalam kesedihan for losing Mek.I could relate to that cliche, "Orang nampak kita senyum...dalam hati siapalah tahu."

And in my first ENGL 4515 class (kids looked fine), as I told them about ayat Quran mentioning each place/civilisation had a lifespan ..mcm kita manusia juga...akan they would die jika terlalu banyak kemungkaran mcm manusia..panjang umur bila byk bersedekah, buat baik that orang doakan kita etc, I just had to go that route again..got really stuck as though there was a frog in my throat but saya berjaya kontrol macho. :) Pesan saya kpd anak2 gen y ini: if someone is sick, don't take him or her for granted cos' she/he might die. Sebak dadaku sebak.

And I got teary so early in the morning when Bibik told me that her 17 years old daughter was forced to marry bekas penjenayah and was kidnapped by her own dad (Bibik's ex hubby - as a form of domination over her absent ex wife). The family is intimidated by the ex husband and refused to lodge a police report.I just had to interfere.Called up my friend in Surabaya (closest city to my Bibik's kampong) to seek her help.She said kawasan itu memang terkenal suka kawinkan anak gadis di bawah umur (they would lie about their age through forged docos) and their women's groups could not do much despite awareness campaigns etc. I understood fully Prem's story on child marriage due to poverty and illiteracy which I used to teach in World Lit.He was going against this tradition.That was written in 1960s/1970s. This is 2016. I cried on the phone with my friend. She agreed to help where she could and agreed with me when I told her: if we do not help, who else because Allah gave us intelligence...what use is our intelligence ?

Hanya Allah yang akan tahu kesudahannya.

1 comment:

ubuntu_linux said...

Oh my..dont know what to say, simply May Allah bless you