Friday, February 01, 2019

Wedding on a working day

Dr Mek Wok's son's reception was held today. KL cuti, Selangor tak. I pulak was asked to rep uni at Prof Ida's IP conference cos' Menteri was in attendance. Dato Saifuddin Nasution was very observant of time. I arrived 10 mins early, dia sudah ada making me look like I was late. But he and his entourage were kind about it. Boleh undi dia lagi. Haha.

Orang WTO from Geneva, Canda, UK (Cambridge), South Africa segala semua ada. Very da feel da international one. Well done AIKOL! I learned mucho too pasal fake goods, counter fake good laws etc. Tengok professionalism academics from negara maju ni pun very inspiring. Bayar tambang sendiri, bayar hotel sendiri utk ilmu. Kita kat sini no budget no go and bising (I tak le...since pgrads mmg pumped in duit sendiri to do the extra mile sbb investment masa depan kan? To be a good teacher, to be a good researcher, kena la do more.Money should not be the issue.Kau reti?)

Prof from Cambridge tu thanked me personally sebab pinjamkan my driver to pick her from Everly Putrajaya back and forth. Kesian OK? I hope they will have a good time in Msia. Maklum at home mungkin dah minus 30C. :)

Oh tadi I met ramai old colleagues at the wedding.. Dato Prof Zuhdi and Dato Daud Bakar (same table with me). So wonderful to see them again. Dr Maszlee was supposed to grace the event but had to go back tengok kawasan.

Am happy for Dr. Mek Wok and Dr. Saupi Man.A beautiful lunch.

Mek Wok's kenduri

AIKOL's IP Conference
sapa photobombed us in the bground tu?

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