Sunday, March 03, 2019

The article I never got around to writing

When I was on my Indian trip recently, begitu ramai orang I jumpa who were so inspiring and I told Dr. Amani that I wanted to write an article on a philanthropist who had spent all his life building schools, colleges and orphanages in Tamil Nadu. I pun beria le meng-interbiu dia, tanya itu ini, ambik gambar bagai.

2 weeks later, the article is still not written. I sat infront of the laptop nak menaip tadi. Tiba2 rasa mengantuk sangat so I slept dulu (I was in Kuantan all day semalam melawat Inocem with rombongan Rector..singgah rumah Eishah. Udahlah pihak INOCEM served us lunch..patin tempoyak, pai talapia laut etc, Eishah and Mizi pulak served us segala jenis ikan tempoyak yang susah nak dapat and udang galah sebesar lengan budak..we could not resist so makan lagi!). The fatigue of over-eating lasted 2 days! Itupun I tak pi naik boat tengah panas tu with the Inocem team.Ketidak lagi memengsan!

I'm glad today was Sunday. We just slept in and didn't go to pasar. Blissful! Petang sikit pi buat our routine..pi tengok Ajir.Dia dah pandai banyak benda now like when we call, he will menjawab.And if we ask do you want currypuff, dia ckp no! But bila tanya do you want grapes, he says yes. Walaupun yes and no-nya samar2 but clearer than before.We are proud of him. Dia dah pandai spell Barney on my phone to find Barney youtube! When I look at him memang terasa kesempurnaan Allah Taala.Ajir is a special child. Memang dia special.

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