Thursday, May 02, 2019

Youth conference

I was all charged up yesterday at Al Sharq Forum. Tun M was there again and cerita Dato Vinod Sekhar on realising money was just coloured papers really touched our hearts. Kisahnya when he was 16, following his mom buat community work. While waiting for his mom to finish her power meeting, he befriended a down-syndrom child named Philip. Then as days went on, he realised duit kertas dia dok kena curi. He got very angry and told his mom tak guna buat baik dgn orang jika balasannya mrk mencuri duit kita (or stg to this effect). Mak dia cuba tenangkan dia but he was determined to catch the thief.

On his last day, Philip called him.Kata nak tunjuk stg. He went to see.Philip tampal kertas2 on manila card to say goodbye for him knowing he was leaving bck to his boarding school nanti. Vinod tengok di celah2 tampalan tu ada duit2 kertas dia yang dah digunting dan digam. Philip said I ran out of coloured papers so I took yours..I hope you didn't mind?

Vinod said it took a young boy to teach him the real value of money..that it was just a coloured paper..ada warna biru, hijau, merah...

I nak ketawa pun rasa mata dah berair. A good story.

Rector tak dtg so I la wakil uni. I sat next to Menteri Sukan dari Somalia..muda benor..tua sikit dari Syed Sadiq.Graduated from USIM.And I met Mariam from Tunisia. She janji nak introduce me to a scholar who works on Islam and feminism. I'm willing to swim oceans and climb mountains for this (tipu! nak jalan pun terhencut2)

And today was another day but I am still jetlagged. I tak jadi stay the whole afternoon.Balik office after lunch to do some work.

Wadah and I signed MoU, standing up cos' there was very little space if we sat on the chair.I think we looked funny but mrk ni professional semuanya. Selamba rock je. Some people have beautiful eyelashes.haha

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