Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Cairo trip

I took 10 people to Cairo on my visibility mission. Belanja sendiri since gomen and uni have no money. I'm glad we went. Macam2 kita jumpa. Egyptians are like Msians, very friendly and hospitable. Kita asyik makan free je sampai tak termakan-makan. Everyone nak belanja kita, alhamdulillah.

Duit Geneh dia pulak rendah. Raya katak but tak sempat shopping or sight seeing except  the pyramids and Egyptian Museum to see mummies (and Firaun). Ada high drama pulak kat museum tu. Me and Prof Maliah. Maliah terkejut I boleh jadi firaun bila I marah. Haha. Gara2 ticket collector tu mengambil duit lebih and having done that, we were asked to pay more to see the mummies.Nantian Saka I menjelma. I naik hantu. Haha. So the supervisor suruh tiket collector tu kira balik duit to match jumlah tics sold and voila..ada duit lebih and that was returned to me.

Maliah dah ajak I blah sebab takut kena katuk dgn polis yang berkeliaran sebab I had caused a drama gitu. I said no way I'm leaving..I dah penat bergaduh ni..moh kita pi tengok Firaun yang even in his death, menyusahkan orang dan terus mencekik darah..nak tengok mayat dia pun kena bayar mahal.

We laughed but went anyway.

It was worth it. Inilah kebesaran Allah.Mmg dlm Quran Dia dah cakap jasad melaun tu dipreserve utk jadi ikhtibar org yang hidup.

Sampai ini, I dok terbayang kereta kuda dan roda yang dijumpai di Laut Merah. Strangely kat museum tu not even a note to say this.Cuma dia tulis Firaun ni memerintah lama.I tanya my Egyptian friend pasal tak sebut jumpa dalam laut mcm Quran cakap. He said para archaeologists tu semua bukan Islamik pun.

But we enjoyed the trip cos'dapat masuk Al Azhar Uni (berusia 1052 tahun) dan Uni Cairo (lebih 100 tahun). Kita juga jumpa orang2 IIIT Cairo yang hosted us for 3 days..makan free, bwk pi pyramid free, kereta free.Duit tak luak, alhamdulillah.

I nak pi lagi ke Cairo if Allah izinkan. Kali ni, nak duduk kat hotel tepi Nile tu.Happening gitu.

IIIT Cairo

Prof Khaleq and team at IIIT Cairo

Minister of Awkaf handing over his books to IIUM

With Deputy President of Cairo Uni

With the Deputy President of Al Azhar Uni

Group photo with Awkaf Minister (a Prof of Islamic Studies from Al Azhar)

At Al Azhar

Lunch at the Club with people from various industries

With Prof Nadia and Prof Khaleq (two lovely people)

Poet Professor Deputy Prez. giving me that special Al Azhar

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