Friday, November 21, 2008

Brother Mikaeel Jackson

Am no fan although as a teenager, me and friends used to dance to his music (Beat It! Beat It!) Zaman sesat. :))

But Michael's conversion to Islam has long been speculated.If the latest news is true, maka bertakbirlah kita. Sometimes when you read about other people's pain, you can't help but pray that they'd find peace through religion.If through Islam, lagi bagus. And strangely enough, those talented lot are the ones who suffer most. I like Leonard Cohen (Prince Charles pun suka dia) but he's one screwed up artist I ever know.Yahudi ni pandai buat lirik lagu, very poetic.Music dia pun selamba (suara malas: antara nak nyanyi and tak nak..itulah kelebihan dia) but sayang..hidupnya terumbang ambing.I hope he will find peace one day.And better music?
This is my fav.

My fav of Michael is this:

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