Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Healers and doctors

Everyone knows I have been feeling a wee bit under the weather lately.Because of the natural inclination to get better, one would consult one healer after the other, knocking on medical consultant's door from time to time, alternative med practitioners' as well.

I can write a book on this! It's interesting how doctors and healers have their own personalities and approaches.Not even one is the same.It's so amazing (and funny at times).

One thing for sure: if you see traditional healers, most would say ada gangguan (either syaitan atau jinn).There are a couple of exceptions (the skeptics).There are those who claim they only use verses of Quran but you can never be sure if they too are not guilty of associating themselves with their own jinns.

There are others who tell you different things by day and another by night (all in one day..like I change my mind...I thought but!)

Interesting meetings,folks but I have concluded earlier: hanya Allah Maha Penyembuh, hanya Allah Maha Pelindung, the rest are just good samaritans trying to assist the sick and needy. Take it or leave it.

Please do not voodoo me for saying this but ramai juga yang menipu! Just be careful not to fall into syirik acts (bila dia start mintak ayam seekor, benang banyak colours..beware! Run for your life! I have heard so many stories from other friends...ada yang mintak tanah kubur.Na'uzubillah!)

The doctors are interesting creatures as well but the ones I saw today were the nicest, the most professional I'd met.Remember my experience with two Orthopedics two years ago? (I ended crying after meeting one cos' he was so insensitive and arrogant and I screamed at his face: get me another doctor! I guess I was equally arrogant but hey, I was the one in pain and paying!)

My Physician at the former SJMC (hate the new name) was so cool.I liked him cos' he said there was nothing wrong with me..just some lack of vits somewhere (I had packed my bag to be admitted cos' my GP said I ought to be admitted.Chiss! GPs usually act like they are the specialists and are good at giving false alarms.Don't voodoo me for saying this!)

My Orthopedic Surgeon was better (trained at Cambridge..my first impression was..sure conservative habis ni..mesti nak kerat aku 18...) My God, how wrong I was.We have a new breed of doctors who are so open to so many things (one even applauded me for going complementary med!)

OK folks, thanks for your prayers.Let's hope the healing process continue to be easy and that Allah continues to protect me and all of us and give us health for indeed health is wealth.


Noor Hidayah Mohamed Yunan said...

Salam Prof F,

I pray that everything will be fine with you (O please, please, Ya Allah, give her strength, grant her good health so that I can interview her regarding her work, and beg her to be my referee for my phd application, and these are only possible when she gets better hehe). But I will keep on praying, for you are such a wonderful person, indeed :). Amin.

Faridah said...

Hidayah: haha..thank you dear.I wish you well too.