Sunday, February 20, 2011

The next fiction

Folks, I am writing fiction all the time without it being written!

It's funny how easy it is to self-censor: you are afraid of being judged (not so much this with me); you are afraid of your 'enemy' stalking you and casting more evil on you (heh..may be...), you are afraid of your work creating political unrest 40 years from now (haha, I wish!)

So let me tell you my latest fiction:

A series of tests fell upon the protagonist.He looked for solutions outside himself but later discovered that the cure was actually within himself and his total submission to the Maker.Tareqat? Hakikat? Sufism? Quite intriguing if you start googling on the topic.To purify yourself you need to do this:

1.banyak beristighfar
2.kurangkan makan dan minum
3.solat wajib jangan tinggal dan banyakkan amalan-amalan sunat seperti amalan yang dibuat oleh Rasulullah (saw)
4.rendah diri dan tidak menyombongkan diri
5.mengurangi tidur
6.banyak zikir dan berfikiran yang baik-baik sahaja
7.kurang bercakap
8. zuhud
9.menerima dengan senang hati anugerah dari Allah
10.yakin hanya kepada Allah (e.g. hanya Dia Maha Penyembuh, hanya dia Maha Melindungi, hanya dia Pemberi Rezeki, etc)
11.sentiasa berbuat baik sesama manusia, tinggal hawa nafsu dan kesenangan dunia dan mengamalkan ajaran Islam bersungguh2.

I got this from an article by Abdi Ramran Umamah.Really cool.

Now to weave all these into the written form.I appreciate oral literature now! To write is soooooooooo difficult.


ubuntu_linux said...

but you are a good writer. good luck prof :)

Faridah said...

Thanks Ubuntu..integrating philosophy or religion with literature will not be so easy if we are not well-read.

I just got inspired today: writing about healers and doctors!The question is when will I have time to do it?

Unknown said...

Thank You FARIDAH to SHARE,,

Faridah said...

Ho-mygod! The writer himself is here! Oh wow! Thanks Bro.Abdi Ramran.I have enjoyed reading your work and it's a pleasure to share it with my friends.

Unknown said...

thanks Faridah.. :)
I hope this article useful even if only small words..