Thursday, February 10, 2011

In health and in sickness..

I was visiting someone I just met at the Prince Court Medical Centre today.Beautiful woman who had gone through a lot in life, seemingly regretting some. I can't help wondering what I would be like in her position.Would I have as much strength? As much patience? As much forgiveness of those I have wronged and sinned against? (usually done unintentionally).

I learnt this: in health and in sickness, you'll triumph if you hold on to the rope of Allah.A complete submission.
I have been tried in the last month or so (in my ailment, losing sleep and in immense pain) but I have come to this conclusion: things happen for reasons only known to Allah, and ONLY by HIS grace.You simply have to persevere in your pain and sadness.

Seeing my new friend sitting a pretty picture in her continuous search for happiness and internal peace (occasionally breaking down with every prayer recited by a Kuwaiti imam on her MP3), I could not help thinking how fortunate we both are...that we still have time to offer our gratitude for our test of sickness (it brought us closer to Allah) and that whatever hardships we face now are nothing compared to others.

In times of health and sickness, Allah is your only Companion. And not many people recognise this until they are fully tested.

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