Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Can life be so jinxed?

I'm beginning to wonder now!

But it could be just something in your head.You become what you think.Negativity invites negative vibes but de Bono highlights on negative energy as a force to solve your problem, creatively.We are trying our best to paddle, OK? :)

Zul and Dr. Haslina found out some happy news with the auditors' report/s (Monday will be an interesting day when I am called to menghadap Tan Sri Aziz). The figures keep changing.I hope we are right this time.Working from evidence.

Tupin Aishah is a glamorous name.I want to write about her in my next short story.She's my great grandmother, said to be a princess from Sumatra in the 17th century before Dutch invasion.There were kingdoms and we owned one.Muahaha.Anak raja gondang. :))

I just found new second cousins. Was bonding with my mom over this and she wanted to know if I had met any of them in person.How I met them etc (what curious mind, this Rawa Queen).

Facebooks and blogs have their plus points.This is all I have to say.

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