Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Happy Maal Hijrah

Maksud maal hijrah ialah bersama berhijrah atau bersama hayati hijrah.Dan doa awal dan akhir yg org dok fwd tu asalnya amalan Syiah.The thing about us is that bila sebut syiah je, kita drop semuanya.Langsung tak payah buat walhal doa is doa asal bkn meminta pada yg mensyirikkan.My imam friend (Dr Anis Rahman) baru-baru ni cakap selama orang itu percaya Allah itu satu dan Muhd itu pesuruhNya, dia tetap Islam walaupun ada penyelewengan lain (tu dia jawab bila dah mati esok).Wallahualam.Kita berkawan dgn org beragama lain kita no hal, dgn Shiah langsung no kompromi.Sat lagi org tuduh I syiah ...or sokong syiah.Oh tidak, saya layan semua hamba Allah sama kecuali jika mrk transgress.Rasulillah did that and sebaik-baik akhlaq ialah kita mencontohi akhlaq baginda.

It has been a hectic week.The workshop with Tan Sri Zul was good.His story of the future of unis tu sama dgn cerita Z from her Mega Forum stories (organised by Khazanah..she got to go via her Boss, Muhammad) in which dah ada virtual uni yg keluar degree within 3 months (dipanggil nano degree) dan grads ni dpt kerja mudah di Silicon Valley, Google etc.

On Monday, a group of working adults dari Abu Dhabi was welcomed by my Kull (enrolment mrk bawa jota-jota kpd kami, alhamdulillah).Ada chief police, adik Amir, mayor di kalangan mereka ini.My Dean's contact (depa ni will only come kalu ada personal contact..takda masuk gitu2 je).Kami mungkin uni pertama buat nano PhD. :D.Naah, it's still 3 years but much of it long distance.I'm happy that the prog is parked under CERDAS.Dr. Quddus is doing a marvellous job with his team.We did the right thing not to close it down sbb mmg kena cari duit sendiri.Money for research pun tak cukup (but alhamdulillah, we did pretty well with FRGS..looks like we are within the RU radar.Perasan is  not only free but it's easy!).I think everyone is pressured to work harder.

Which is good.

Part 2

Dah lama I nak buat kenduri doa selamat Z selamat habis ngaji and selamat pulang to serve the nation.Also to do kenduri tahlil sekali.But without a maid, pengsan if I were to handle it alone.Syukurlah we were able to do it today sempena Maal Hijrah.We invited both clans..catered for 70 people but I think about 60 came cos' nasi lebih byk sgt (lauk pauk lain habis). I had to go beli stuffs masak for jiran2 cos' they were not invited (family affair) so after Maghrib Nik and Z started distributing.Bibik hantar yg sebelah menyebelah (we don't really speak to one another sbb mrk baru pindah).Alhamdulillah puas hati cos' ustaz pun beri tazkirah and we got to meet some of Nik's cousins yg dah lama tak jumpa.Tau2 anak2 diaorg dah kat university.I dok tanya so and so form berapa sekarang? :D

Ustaz kata sambut maal hijrah mmg Nabi tak buat tapi tak salah menyambutnya dgn niat mengukuhkan silrahturrohim keluarga, baca yassin and buat tahlil.I baru nak cadang we do it every year but ustaz cakap bidaah yg baik...tak syok le pulak kan?

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