Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Kak Ngah and I

I clocked in 3 hours of work sahaja yesterday.Family emergency. We had to fetch my ustaz to smuggle him into the hospital. :) Alhamdulillah no more gangguan. It will just be purely medical now for my poor sister.We pray to Allah she will be protected by Him all the time.Kalau sakit, ada ubatnya.I met a lady while waiting at the lobby (KN and ustaz naik dulu.I had to wait 30 mins before visiting hours). I tegor the lady next to me.She baru habis her 2nd chemo.Lost her breast to cancer (stage 2).I said makanan ke stress? She said stress.Sebab chaos caused by GST...(tanggunglah kau wahai pemimpin...dah la rakyat ditindas...sampai sakit pun ada). I told her maybe she should consider quitting her work and do what she enjoys in life. Before we parted, she said syukur she met me cos' I motivated her. Alamak..takut tersilap advised! I was just giving some options...May Allah ease her pain.Nampak steady je orangnya. Sangat tabah on the outside.But I did see some welled up eyes at one point.

Ijat is such a smart boy.We were arguing about mee maggie.Dia suka sangat mkn mee tu.I prefer if he eats something not processed..lots of fruits and fresh sayur2an. He said kalau mkn benda bagus pun tapi tak exercise, no point.I said kalau mkn halal je tapi not toyyiban pun no good.Baru 14 OK? On alternative medicine, he said I'm 100% skeptical.KN and I dah nak berguling2 ketawa.

Balik from the hospital and sending ustaz back, we lost our way.Battery down. Hadoi.Dua2 hopeless.I had to work from a bad memory..finally saw jalan pulang.KN had dinner at my place..she had too fly to Alor Star besoknya.If bwk baju, could have stayed the night at my plc,Subang Airport.

Terasa mak takda.If not, she's the captain of all things.

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