Monday, October 02, 2017


End of 2nd week of the mobility prog. The week was busy with dining out and taking some students to buy books at Silverfish Books in Bangsar. By Friday, I started to have a sore throat and a bit of flu but rode on the bus to Melaka with the group.Only Amir came along. We stopped at Mini Msia..saw the show..Dylan and Brooke were at ease doing the Iban sumpit and dance. Then a few went up to joget. I tengok jelah. Dah tak terjoget dah at this age! We took the cruise down Melaka river and stopped at Jonker's. I went to rest at the 1824 surau.Dah penat dah. Then we shot off to the floating restaurant at Umbai to eat. Only a few of us ate. Tak tau lah dah kenyang ke takda duit ke.I tak daya nak fikirkan semua but we enjoyed our black pepper crabs, sotong tepung, ikan bakar and nasi lemak and sayur kangkung belacan.Some spotted ular laut.Entah iya entah tidak.

Then off to PD.Nik and Bibik had arrived.Thank God.4 rooms and the boys tidur bawah.The gals tidur in 2 rooms..berhimpit2.Biar dia belajar cara kampong but air-con semua working well and attached bathrooms.The best thing was the private beach! Sabtu show at audi museum tentera darat.Fun gila.The army guys were helpful and lawak. We all enjoyed being there.Malam we buat barbecue.Sal came to help.Siang tu she helped arrange a wonderful by the beach lunch.Pretty giler and so nyaman. I want to come again to PD.

On Sunday I terjun laut.Warm water. Oh heavens! Then we went to visit forest reserve and kg orang asli ..syok juga.Pas tu lunch at Muslim Chinese restaraunt Cik Salim kindly took us..he's from the Forest Reserve.Baik dia nak tunjuk kami jalan pi sana sini.

Nasib Nik datang.I jumped ship..balik dgn dia. Letih dah naik bas.Haha.Amirlah yang jaga dia orang pulak.

Today Monday they did the mosque tour.Dan belajar ambik wudhu. Then they went to see org solat Zohr from tingkat 3.I thought tonight was my dinner with Sreya. She said hari ni 2nd bkn 3rd Oct.That's how lost I am with time.

And a couple of people on campus are not helping me do my job.Kerja penat lagi rasa penat. if it's just to show your authority..not now, please. Forget control OK? Respect people's wish. We don't do things for fun.

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