Wednesday, April 17, 2019

People Managing

If you are trained as an academic, you will know how difficult it is to be thrown into the deep blue sea and not knowing how to swim.

I had that first experience not long after my return from my PhD and then quickly made a Head of Dept. What did I know about managing people much older than me, managing men, managing events, managing money - to be made and to be spent (within a certain specific period) and on top it all, working for your career development, raising a young child, yada yada.

I should be past all these, right? Right!

Cuma how do you deal with staff yang very creative in explaining what should be done but not done and end up not doing much? After talking to Miz H (she used to work with Shell for 10 years but quit because she got bored doing the same thing despite the good pay..wahlau), she said she knew that kinda personality. Biasa they need more skills sbb if they have skills, they would be kept busy doing work. Wow..I never thought of that - that people culas cos' they actually don't know what to do (takda system doing things). If not, things would be in order, said Miz H. tak payah kejar2 nak itu ini. Just use your shared folder platform and fetch what you want at a touch of a button.

Part 2: this is the day after. We spent all afternoon at Putrajaya semalam ..learned much about freelancing work online. I think I know what to do after I retire now. Within a couple of months, boleh dapat RM700K okay? Clients everywhere around the pun bayar di US. Berangan is good.What do I do with all the money bila kita pun dah dekat nak mampos? Haha. Seronok je learning something new.

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