Sunday, August 07, 2011

My iftar with ACCIN

ACCIN is an umbrella body of 17 Muslim NGOs and my Muslim women's NGO IMAN is one of them. I am one of 4 reps of IMAN to ACCIN meetings (held once a month). This year's secretariat is Persatuan Ulama Malaysia and their meetings are always spiritually exciting (they would have a talk at every meeting and usually is given by their members).

Yesterday we met at one of the golf clubs at Bukit Kiara (jangan tak percaya Persatuan Ulama kita very da canggih now.Haha.They have very dynamic generasi pelapis ..young academics/scholars to run the association now.Yang tua2 jadi content providers.I like).

As always I was the only female rep. (awkwardlah) but masa iftar, there were 3 more who came.
The talk was a panel discussion on isu2 semasa yang dihadapi oleh umat Islam di Malaysia given by the new Ketua Pengarah JAKIM and a Shari'e advisor to Office Peguam Negara (he's as old as my mom tapi fikirannya my mom too).Berikut adalah isu-isu yang ditimbulkan:

1. Pengaruh shiah yang semakin berleluasa (di Perlis, satu lori yang membawa buku-buku shiah telah ditahan) Apparently, pengedaran pengaruh ini dibuat nationwide.Pihak berwajib memantau keadaan ini.Pihak ini telah menghantar memorandum ke JAKIM mengatakan bhw merekalah ahli sunnah waljamaah yang sebenar.

2.Kelab Taat Suami bukan yang baru (bermula di Sungai Patani 1994).Saya tidak boleh tulis lebih lanjut kerana sensitiviti isu.Nak tau, call JAKIM or private message me.

3.Madrasah yang runtuh yang mengorbankan anak-anak yatim di Selangor tempoh hari adalah di bawah pentadbiran seseorang yang mengamalkan ajaran sesat Ajaran yang dipanggil Juruzon (it sounded like that.i don't know how you spell it) telah diharamkan tetapi diamalkan balik di madrasah ini.Banyak perkara karut marut diajar termasuk guru ghaib menjelma dalam badan pentadbir madrasah ini (Pak Su). So yang bukan mahram boleh jadi mahram hanya dgn bersentuh kulit or something like that.Majlis Rabithah mereka pun suspicious.
Mereka ada ayat2 Quran sendiri.

4. Wahabi is still an issue.

5.Isu revivalism of Al Arqam yang telah diharamkan dan bekas2 ahli bergerak atas nama lain menjalankan pelbagai jenis perniagaan dan kerja-kerja amal.Mereka akan terus dipantau.

6. Isu tukar jantina.Bukan isu baru.Pernah satu ketika seorang Mufti didatangi oleh seoprang hamba Allah yang mempunyai 2 alat kelamin dan dia mempunyai 2 org anak (satu semasa dia jadi bapa, seorang lagi masa dia jadi ibu) Akhirnya dia berjumpa pihak berwajib minta pandangan.Dia dinasihatkan memilih satu alat kelamin sahaja dan dirujukkan kepada doktor pakar yang memberitahunya supaya dia menukar jantina kpd perempuan ketika hormon pompuannya aktif (mereka ni mempunyai waktu2 when hormonnya lebih kpd perempuan dan masa2nya lebih kepada lelaki so doktor suruh tukar jantina waktu hormon pompuan tu lebih).Wallahualam.Saya cuma melaporkan.

7.Isu butter churn yang kejap halal kejap tidak yang disibukkan dgn kenyataan akhbar Chua Soi Lek. Apa yang berlaku ialah ada 2 pengimport brand yang sama.Butter dari Australia di- packed in New Zealand.Satu pi Semenanjung (disahkan halal oleh Jabatan Kimia) dan satu pi ke Sarawak (didapati tidak halal).

8.Isu alcohol.Masa ni fikiran saya ke lain.Nota saya tak berapa lengkap.Sorry tapi ada saya catitkan alcohol yang bukan dari bahan buat arak tidak haram tapi tak lehlah diminum (racun).

9. Laman2 blog, facebook, twitter yang menghina Islam akan diambil tindakannya.Telah pun diambil tindakan ke atas yang dikenal-pasti.

10. Bahan-bahan pencetakan penerbitan yang bercanggah dgn Islam juga dipantau.

11.Isu 'serbuan' ke atas majlis makan malam di sebuah gereja.JAKIM melahirkan bantahannya terhadap istilah 'serbu'.Legally incorrect.Mereka pergi menyiasat sebab dapat panggilan telefon dari orang awam yang perihatin usaha ingin meng-kristiankan orang melayu yang berlanggar dgn undang2 kita.Dan sah waktu pemeriksaan dibuat, 12 orang melayu berpakaian baju melayu dan baju kurung, siap dgn bunga manggar, siap ada nasyeed dan tazkirah yang menghina Rasulullah telah berlaku.

12.Permulaan puasa tahun ni, Brunei lewat sehari walaupun nusantara telah sepakat untuk berpuasa dan berhariraya serentak.Mungkin isu ini akan dibawa ke mesyuarat ASEAN?

Panelist ke dua adalah Tan Sri dari Pejabat Peguam Negara.Beliau bercakap tentang legal aspects yang banyak kita perlu faham so that we know our rights.Yang saya suka dua points dalam byk2 dia raised tu:

i) 100 orang janda miskin yang masuk agama lain itu sepatutnya dibantu dgn sistem zakat kita.Zakat bukan setakat kasi duit utk makan, minum tetapi juga memberi tempat tinggal.Mereka ini patut dicari oleh pihak berwajib untuk dibantu dan NGOs should ask how zakat money is spent sebab kalau dibuat betul2, kita takda kemiskinan, kekufuran cos' welfare ummah has been taken care of (Selangor telah capai negara maju sebab sistem zakat yang efektif..ini kata Zainal who I bumped into at the iftar buffet with his wife.Zainal is in the financial circuit and knows a lot..dia pulak kasi another talk at the table where I was enjoying my ABC.Haha)

ii) Tan Sri kata adalah tidak nusyuz seorang isteri yang enggan pindah ke rumah mak mentua bila suaminnya gagal menyediakan tempat tinggal buatnya (woohoo..power giler!)

The iftar at the buffet (orang luar ramai): ada 200 dishes with all sorts of bar b qs.But one can only eat so much, kan?

Sekian laporan saya dari nota yang tidak lengkap.


syima said...

Salaam Dr F. How's your Ramadhan so far? I think my brother went to the same Accin Iftar on Saturday at bkt kiara! masyaAllah. :)Interesting u have the issues discussed during the event summarised here in your blog. May Allah bless you! Miss u!

Faridah said...

Shima: who is your brother? Don't show him my blog (takut termengata...haha)Miss u too.Drop by anytime if you are at IIUM.

syima said...

my brother is azril. i think he came with pembela. but not too sure. feel free to visit his blog where he shares his thoughts on related issues :)

Anonymous Devil said...

i think it's about time malaysian religious department find a way to reconcile all the different ideas in islam like syiah and wahhabi. people are more learned about islam than they were before. so i think it's ok to address this issue publicly. for example, wahhabi. if that sect is so wrong, then how can we allow our people go to makkah for umrah or hajj when the imams are all clearly of this sect.

and about the recent jais raid. for me, the church was not at fault. splashing money is their usual modus operandi and who are we to judge them? if we want other people to respect our religion, then we have to do the same. and jais was not at fault too because they were just doing their job. the one that we should put the blame on is the muslim who joined the event. what has become of our fellow muslims' aqidah that they can sell it for worldly gain? true those were poverty stricken people. but surely, to raise your kids, to be able to 'walk' again, at the expense of your religion is just unacceptable.

syima said...

Salaam Lan, correct me if i'm wrong but i have to disagree when you put the total blame on those who attended the 'event'only. honestly i think, we should all be aware of others' intention. It doesn't mean we are prejudiced against them, but this is not an utopian world where we can tell everyone is doing good without hidden agenda.there's always fitnah akhir zaman that we have to be careful of especially when it comes to our aqidah. Rasulullah s.a.w has warned us about this fitnah akhir zaman and what jais did was to curb this problem before it gets worse. And if you look at the perlembagaan this act of trying to influence muslims to other faiths is illegal. Also, the Human Rights in Islam enactment presented in Cairo has specifically pointed out that any attempts to influence Muslims to convert religion by exploiting and taking advantage on their poor condition is considered violating the rights of a Muslim. So yes, i do think jais has done a good job investigating this matter , while i agree with you that those muslims who attended the event are at fault, i do think we have to educate them more instead of completely blaming them because they sell their aqidah for money. As Muslims, we work as a team, collectively, salah masyarakat salah kita juga. Are we doing our job as khalifahs?

but yes i have to disagree with those people who are attacking Muslims by saying that we are wrong for not allowing such good practice (i.e donation) to spread amongst Muslims too. It gives such a bad image to us, as though we are violent and irrational, when part of the problem is that they do not want to make some effort to educate themselves about Islam and Muslims, how dear this religion is to our hearts. And we act the way we acted because it was suspicious not because we hate them for giving money to the needy. Instead they throw judgments as such that hurt us.I basically think that's just being insensitive and disrespectful. just my two cents, sorry if there's anything. :)Salaam.

Anonymous Devil said...

ek? legally it's wrong? owh. i didn't know that. hehe.

but wait. if that's the case, then would that be fair to other religion? we can call people to convert to islam but they can't? i believe we should not force islam supremacy on issues like this lest it will just drive people away from it. and that cairo human rights in islam. were there any christian leaders involved? because it'd be just one-sided if people from other religion do not approve of it.

besides, muslim dai'e also, in a way, make use of people's poor condition to get them to convert to islam. look at the movement of islamic dakwah in sabah and sarawak. but of course their way is a bit different. they don't use money. well, maybe there's a bit of it involved. hehe. but most of the time they only offer solace.

all i'm saying is, religious people do make use of people's poverty to attract them to their religion. that's why i said we cannot judge them because they used money in that case. but i could be wrong. i don't know.

Faridah said...

Syima and Xlan: nice to see your discussion on the church issue.Keep it going but what's in the constitution must be respected.Org bukan Islam memang tak boleh mengajak org Islam masuk agama dia (preaching).Pendakwah Islam bukan memaksa org pelok agama Islam but should just menerangkan apa Islam itu.If the other party wants to embrace Islam, we no hal.

syima said...

Lan: dari sudut aqidah kita tak boleh compromise, wajib bagi kita pertahankan dan pelihara Islam dgn cara apa sekalipun. murtad ni infectious, sekali kita bagi we fear more to follow, think of the consequences in the future. kita respect agama mereka and let them practice, kita make sure kita restrain ourselves from hina agama mereka. I think in that sense cukup kuat sense of respect, nabi pun ajar macam tu. the way they show their respect to our religion is to know the boundaries. if they can't do that it's really sad because they should know by now that we don't treat our religion just a mere culture, it's a way of life. i think it's beneficial we reflect on surah al-kafiruun. Salaam :)


Bos, dunia makin mencabar lagi menakutkan.

Faridah said...

Syima: betul.
Nora: memang...but kita tak leh berdiam diri je.Mesti ajar anak2 cucu2 kita strong aqidah, kan?

Anonymous Devil said...

yep. i agree murtad is very dangerous to muslims' morale in general.

but i just can't find myself saying people convert to islam wholly because of evangelism. people convert to christianity or other religions for that matter because they have problems within themselves. and seeing that we are in a muslims nation, that does appear to me, at least, outrageous. and yes, i still want to say they should not have done what they have done.

how frail are their beliefs and self principles? nak masuk politik sikit. hehe. it's the same thing. some people lompat parti because of money. they no longer have the consciousness needed to see what is right and what is wrong when money is put on their dining table.

in order to understand why are these people so weak at the sight of money, we have to see our people and our government.

the neighbours, the community where these people live, know how to contact jais when such event took place but they didn't know how to contact jabatan kebajikan to ask for any provision for these people.

then we also have to look at our leader who always happens to be a muslim. but how many times has our leader ever reminded us of anything about islam? about solat? about aqidah? but zakat? haaa.. yang tu lain macam sikit. berlambak iklan suruh bayar zakat. sampai ke hujung dunia kejar orang suruh bayar zakat but they never bother with our aqidah?

and i don't agree that we have a legal ruling prohibiting evangelism. for me that kind of thing is like a statement saying this religion is a rival and it could be a true religion so we should prohibit their missionaries to call our people into their religion. if we can call their people to embrace our belief why can't they do the same? i'd like to quote dr. asri when he said:

“Saya terfikir bagaimanakah jika negara-negara bukan Islam seperti Thailand, United Kingdom, Amerika Syarikat dan negara-negara di Eropah mengambil tindakan yang sama ke atas masjid-masjid di sana.

“Kita tahu umat Islam di sana aktif berdakwah kepada bukan Islam di pelbagai tempat khususnya di pusat-pusat Islam dan masjid-masjid. Bukan Muslim dijemput datang ke masjid dan diberikan al-Quran dan risalah-risalah berkaitan Islam.

“Jika mereka memakai undang-undang seperti kita, tentu masjid-masjid akan diceroboh dan didakwa,”

i could not agree more with his opinion. we should not think about this issue within limited boundary of our nation. the action that we take here against other religions is always monitored by other people. we are angry if they do that to us, but if we do it, then it's ok? for me it's not.

wahhh.. first time discuss serious2 kat blog dr. hehe.

anyway, it's just my two cents. seeing how cheap it is, only at two cents, i could be wrong. hehe.

p/s: i'm quite an idealist as i believe every religion missionaries should be given similar rights to do anything they want and at the end, let the people choose themselves which one they think is better for them. if islam is losing, then we have to thoroughly assess our actual understanding of this beautiful religion.

syima said...

salaam. i personally think dr asri cannot compare Malaysia with other countries he mentioned in his statement. It's not as simple as that. That is as though ignoring the fact that we have declared Islam as our official religion. We have taken the responsibility and have vowed to put it first and foremost. The rest will have to follow.

If i could change your mind with this, and I pray I could biiznillah, try reflect on the gay rights as stated in the international declaration of human rights as a comparison. When Muslims cannot condone this act among its followers in aiming to protect the holiness of Islam and its teachings, how do think they view us? We are seen as backwards, oppressed by religion, and discriminatory. Do you think this is fair to us? Why can't they take a step backward and get a clear view of our religion and respect how sensitive this is for us? Then why should we need their approval to decide what should be or should not be in our declaration which has only one purpose : to preserve Muslims and the purity of this religion?

Plus Lan, why do we need their approval as such, when our declaration is guided by al-Quran and as-Sunnah revealed by the one and only Authority that matters, Allah s.w.t. Why do we need to be weaken by the pressure of international communities who obviously do not have Islam at their best interest?


Faridah said... two sound like my true students.Haha.Carry on, carry on...

syima said...

if i may add something i was recently reminded of, Islam is never losing. However bad people are treating and viewing it this religion will rise up and winning as promised by Allah s.w.t. the only thing that is losing in this battlefield is us, because we think we should accommodate Islam according to societal pressure and context of situation. this is where MUSLIMS are losing. Because the responsibility to defend Islam is not being prioritized and we're not putting it at its proper place. Wallahu'alam

p/s: Selamat Hari Raya to the both of you! Maaf zahir dan batin, please do forgive my shortcomings. :)