Wednesday, December 28, 2011

that time of the year again


hi folks,

i hope you guys had a nice break over Xmas.I tried but it didn't really work out...thanks to Pasar Pasir Penampang in Kuala Selangor which sold us a fish for RM99! Some of you may ask, why so bodoh and beli when price tags were not displayed...

this is what happens to people who are too trusting...

i should be done with that kinda life, huh? (trusting people, that is)

anyway, I had lodged a complaint with pihak berwajib in Kuala Selangor and kementerian yang berkenaan (beli ikan apa sampai RM600!) Ohh..I feel so stupid now. :))

and being Malaysians, NOTHING will be done.Mark my word.If I ever hear from any of the two people I wrote to, I'd let you guys know.

the firefly cruise was excellent, though.Orgh...angin sepoi2 bahasa di malam yang berkelip2 sangat indah and soothing.Tiba2 ada suara budak next to me:

ayah ayah..sungai ni ada buaya tak?


on a more cheerful note, the half day (for me cos' I had to rush for my SBU meeting at Zahid's new Kull..wah..he took us on a tour, showing off his new place.Nice view, actually) at KDE was pretty interesting.Prof Moten was shouting at the back asking who is hosni mubarak when Dr Badri said there's a spring not too unlike the arab spring in the kull.Haha.Kopanski said I was witty when I named Prof. Moten as the new Mubarak.Wakaka.All in a good jestlah.Too bad I had to leave early.The mengaji part (tadarus) was really good altho' I was like keretapi Tanah Melayu.Dr. Azura was impressip with her speed and reading.


Faridah said...

I owe pihak berwajib an apology.One of them (from Kementerian Perdagangan Dlm Negeri) rang me up on my report kena tipu masa beli ikan ni.Dia dah buat tindakan at the pasar.Apparently Pasar ni memang terkenal suka sembelih harga ikan/seafood.Dan suka tak letak harga barang.Know your rights as a consumer! Baguslah Selangor ni.Cepat bertindak! I thought habis2 cepat next year kalau pun they respond.Rupanya2 tidak.Syabas saudara di Kementerian yang bertugas di Kuala Selangor itu.He sounds like someone who takes his amanah seriously.May Allah bless him.

Mawar said...

Kak F
ya, bagus kalau suara rakyat selalu cuba didengar. saya pernah mempunyai pengalaman yang sama. setelah menulis surat maklumbalas, pengarah jabatan berkenaan menelefon memberikan respon. alhamdulillah.