Saturday, February 07, 2015

An appreciation dinner

A few of us threw a thank you dinner for Prof (Emeritus) Ghulam Sarwar at Passage Thru India.I stopped at Sal's to do my Maghrib.Masa driving to the venue I dah dengar bunyi from the back tyre.I thot impossible punctured cos' the car was stable.Then the sound travelled with me and stopped after I baca doa Nabi Yunus ditelan ikan paus (I was afraid of being stranded in the evil of the night..mcm2 went through my mind..Canny Ong..itu ..ini..I prayed biarlah sampai kat restaurant dgn selamat)

The attendant sombong tak kasi I parked inside.He said penuh.I said I had a flat tyre..this is an emergency and buat bodoh masuk juga.I heard him saying astaghfirullah...then I saw one parking space.He said kecik..tak muat.Dasar! Tak terfikir pulak he needed to protect a woman with a flat tyre.But when I berkeras and told him I was a diner, baru dia nak layan baik.Apa ke kena migrant ni semua?

But we had a lovely time dengar Prof Ghulam telling us his life story.He said his time at IIUM was the best and he's writing this in his autobiography.

A couple of friends and I had a brainstorming session over ASA trip 2 to GM. ASA is menganak-angkatkan Kg Limau Kasturi.The needs of the people have changed.According to our ground contact guy makanan berlebih-lebih...rumah sementara rege RM4K in 3 days sedang dibina oleh an NGO (our smart partner also), pakaian, baju/bag sekolah semua dah tak diperlukan.They need tilam single for wargamas and about 50 other families, and kelambu cos' nyamuk byk (iyalah...sampah sarap tu semua kena clear). Lin is working on SK GM's Pusat Sumber.

Fasa 3 will be helping build more homes and supplying clean water.Ni kawan2 kita dari Engineeringlah punya tugas.

Pics of our dinner with Prof Ghulam:


Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...

Tak pernah pergi Passage to India lagi. Looking at the tandoori, boleh pergi sebab not so much kalori. Hahaha! Maybe will go after completing my Jom Kurus 1Malaysia in 3 weeks time. Celebrate sekejap lepas tu continue the program on our own.

Pagi tadi lari 8 round di stadium UIA. Awal pagi ada lah 10-20 tubuh manusia jogging bila kami sampai. 10 pagi tinggal geng kami aje. Maybe because we all semua gemuk, so kena tunggu lama sikit buat exercise. Hahaha!

Faridah said...

Dr Bubbles: I konon nak go on treadmill daily..hmmph..kadang buat byk kadang tak buat! Z knows a simple yoga exercise which helps her lose weight dlm masa seminggu dua (mkn kena la juga jaga).

The restaurant Passage to India tu dah takda kot? Hok ni Passage Thru India..Jln Delima off Jln Bukit Bintang.Masuk Jln Imbi --> Jln Inai --Jln Delima (which is Jln Bukit Bintang pada signage tu ..on your left) Waze pun tak guna...dia bawak meraban juga.