Friday, February 20, 2015

Full day

Since I was not good at organising my time, I ended up squeezing too many events in a day! (akibat being too dependent on my PA and RA who keep my diary and appointments.. Heh heh..manyak eksyen).

Lunch : Grand Bluewave, Shah Alam with Azah, Waza and Shiha - my NZ girlfriends since 1981.We went Japanese.The Japanese chef sepuluh kali sekejap came to our table.Akhirnya tanya: where are husbands? I said sleeping when I left him.Rupa2nya dia masih bujang so kita ambik gambar dgn dia nak matchkan dgn one of our friends yg belum kawin. :))

Late lunch: since I could not attend the evening do, I went to the lunch do at PENA house to attend Khaled Salleh's daughter's wedding. Don't know him personally tapi my friend said every jemputan kawin wajib dipenuhi.Bumped into three people I know cos' the writers' group datang malam gamaknya.

Dinner: tahlil at Lina's place.They are renting out for the next 6 months cos' their home is being renovated.The new place a bit further from ours so susah sikit nak kacau Nadra every weekend.The guards buat rounds pakai german shepherds in addition to strict guard checks.Byk sgt ke reta depa ni nak guard berlapis2 gitu?

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