Tuesday, February 10, 2015

He didn't show any remorse

 AI's verdict didn't surprise anyone.In fact I guessed it a day earlier that he would be found guilty.All the signs were there but when Tun M said terima dengan hati terbuka- a day before judgment...I just knew what it meant!

I think everything has a price.RM40 mil? RM10 mil? I just need RM3 million for my research.Ahaks.

I hope everyone sleeps well esp. judge yang kata,"But he didn't show any remorse."

Even if AI were a bipolar (usually bipolars would not show any remorse in addition to their manipulative ways), bersepah orang lain gays (even among top politicians and professionals)...no one questions if they show remorse/not when caught.

OK...I make a bad defense of AI.

Humpty dumpty had a great fall today at the Legal Unit. Maintenance is very bad at IIUM.I hope IP would re-tile corridor yang berlubang dalam tu.I had faxed them the concern.Dah tiga orang jatuh terpijak lubang tu.I'm surprised no one took the trouble to report so that orang lain tak cedera bila terjatuh.


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