Rat race.
My research team and I locked ourselves up at one of the hotels at the heart of the city to focus on writing 6 papers to meet our KPIs. This rat race tires me. I am tired chasing my own tail. Gitu. Now I hear nak naik JUSA B kena produce 5 ISI articles. Weii...berak ijau nanti! (kita ni kena ngajar, supervise, jadi administrator, mark theses, mark exams, organise international conferences, itu ini.Hadoi).
Ramai orang yang kena retrenched tu patut bersyukur mereka tak lagi jadi hamba kpd sesiapa.You don't need much to live. Just don't desire what you cannot afford.Pastu buat lah kerja2 utk akhirat pula.
But we had a productive time at the 4 days retreat (mmg kena kurung habis..caught my RAs sleeping bawah duvet..I menjerit kata ini bukan holiday..ini work retreat. They said but we work at night..siang kami tidur.Haha. I tak kisah..I perah juga keringat mereka..they have to learn that it is not easy to be a scholar. Alhamdulillah they delivered their papers on the last day..sempat depa jumped into the pool lagi 30 mins before checked out).
Hari ni semua datang kerja macam baru balik dari overseas dgn jetlag.I had 4 hours of sleep on day 3.Day 4 alhamdulillah paper siap utk dikirim kepada scopus journal.
Now I'm told nak naik pangkat Jusa B, tulis 5 ISI articles. Nampak mcm kena pencen awal.For a peace of mind and for my general well-being!
Some pics.
My research team and I locked ourselves up at one of the hotels at the heart of the city to focus on writing 6 papers to meet our KPIs. This rat race tires me. I am tired chasing my own tail. Gitu. Now I hear nak naik JUSA B kena produce 5 ISI articles. Weii...berak ijau nanti! (kita ni kena ngajar, supervise, jadi administrator, mark theses, mark exams, organise international conferences, itu ini.Hadoi).
Ramai orang yang kena retrenched tu patut bersyukur mereka tak lagi jadi hamba kpd sesiapa.You don't need much to live. Just don't desire what you cannot afford.Pastu buat lah kerja2 utk akhirat pula.
But we had a productive time at the 4 days retreat (mmg kena kurung habis..caught my RAs sleeping bawah duvet..I menjerit kata ini bukan holiday..ini work retreat. They said but we work at night..siang kami tidur.Haha. I tak kisah..I perah juga keringat mereka..they have to learn that it is not easy to be a scholar. Alhamdulillah they delivered their papers on the last day..sempat depa jumped into the pool lagi 30 mins before checked out).
Hari ni semua datang kerja macam baru balik dari overseas dgn jetlag.I had 4 hours of sleep on day 3.Day 4 alhamdulillah paper siap utk dikirim kepada scopus journal.
Now I'm told nak naik pangkat Jusa B, tulis 5 ISI articles. Nampak mcm kena pencen awal.For a peace of mind and for my general well-being!
Some pics.