Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Between us and the Thais

My conclusions are:

1. Thais are more creative than us...they start from something raw and turn it to something commercial e.g coconut..jadi coconut ice-cream (very popular at Ao Nang streets), jadi cosmetic products/spa products, buah2an dia semua jadi bahan export: dried durian, dried mango, dried everything.Manggis tu jadi gula2.

2. Pemuda dia walau ramai penagih or bekas penagih, depa bekerja..sendiri hidu, sendiri cari duit..depa tak meragut pelancung yang handbag bersepah2 di pantai.Kat Msia..dream on, ya

3. Kerajaan tempatan dia pandai hormat penduduk asal..kg2 tak dikacaunya..sama2 cari Muslims own lands, tourism businesses etc.Mereka tidak hidup minta sedekah!

4. But Muslims bila jumpa ..Msia ke Thai ke..jarang bagi salam to each other.

5. Thai authorities respect the environment..they live with nature not against it (I think this is Buddhist philosophy but Islam patutnya lebih lagi). Despite a booming tourist industry, mereka tak overbuild.

6. They have better roads.

7. Their toilets are a lot cleaner than ours (even at the airport)

8. Pantainya pun bersih.

9. Air laut bersih.

10. Udara bersih.

11. Kenapa I tak pindah je ke Krabi kalau semuanya bagus sangat? Sebab Krabi can be this too

 Mereka juga tidak jual Tuhan mereka

 bumbung taxi yang picked us up (there's only 3 of us)
They are really serious about tourism as an industry, OK?
Semlm I balik naik taxi at KLIA2..pedalnya berbunyi..bau busuk..driver mcm on pil kuda..
first impression matters, babe.

 the pool at our resort (none of us turun mandi cos' survey showed 
that more than 50% pool users will kencing in the pool and do not shower 
before they jump in the pool.I getik)

cocktails in bamboos

ikan bakar at their Night Market

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