Wednesday, June 08, 2016


Carlotta arrived on Sunday. I told her tahun ni I could not take leave and my weekends are full, looking after Mek cos' we take turn looking after her now so my weekends are out. And I said dia boleh tinggal dua hari je at my house (teruk tak?) cos' I would be working and sibuk nak melayan dia.It's Ramadan.I would like to spend more time doing things I should for Ramadan.But I took her to Taman Tun bazar ramadan.Bukan dia je nak gila tengok makanan dan minuman anika warna.Me also.Mcm tak pernah puasa! The best of Ramadan is also this. :)

She wanted to interview me for her Muslim women project. So we spent all day and part of my evening on this. Sari pun tak lepas ke surau for teraweh. Nik is in Makkah with Mus. So malas nak pi sorang without him. Z and I solat di rumah je.

Just heard that one of the twins berlanggar..habis kereta Mek - total loss.Besarnya ujian Mek kali ni.Semoga dia & family tabah and will sail through this ujian. Sal said it's also a test for all of us.

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