Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The debat

I got home just in time to catch the debat.

Kita bangga it took place.Syabas to all. Masih ada courage and civility in town.
It's OK if Anwar looked like he borrowed his coat from someone (one size bigger) or that Shabery foamed in the mouth.They should have done some touch up la sikit, kan? Or give both a glass of water.

Byk org kata they didn't solve issues. Sejak bila debat solve issues? Or sejak bila politics can solve issues? (Dato Ti will bersilat on this kejap lagi). :)

Anyway, keterbukaan macam ini is much welcome.We are here NOT to judge personalities but to focus on issues or non-issues.

Can we have Dr M and Karpal Singh next?


Faridah said...

I'm disillusioned! Lepas debat, tangkap macam komunis in the 60s?

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Dr Faridah,

I dah expected dah even before the debate started.Same old script remember?Dulu after the mass demo, they bungled him into the car.This time after the debate, same thing.

It reminds me of how LKY did to his opposition in the 60s...

Yang I marah sangat semalam during the debate, Pak Menteri selamba je cakap, " Rakyat cukup makan".

Petang semalam before the debate we bought sample stuff for our Ramadhan food distribution for the poor.Last year, banyak foodstuff dapat for RM50.Now, adolah 4-5 items aje.Kesian rakyat miskin di Malaysia dapat Pak Menteri macam ini.

Kalau di Indonesialah,saya rasa dah kena macam-macam dah Pak Menteri ini.Nasib baiklah di Malaysia - bolehlah layan lagi...

Entahlah...mengeluh saya tengok senario politik tanahair kini.

Faridah said...


Kalau kita tak biasa berdamping dgn org miskin, memanglah kita tak tau kesusahan mereka.

I don't know what else to say.
Semalam I went to see Fringe films.Budak2 tu semua berkarya tanpa dapat sokongan dana.Kesian betul.Betul2 pinggiran (but great works).Walhal we know in certain quarters, pembaziran berlaku and bukan sahaja no economical returns, intellectual returns pun hamprak.

Small Talk said...

Dear Faridah,
Want to know about the arrest & release of my blog

Faridah said...


I read but he is ONLY a suspect not proven guilty so awat kalut sgt polis kita (siap pakai topeng katanya)

Also everyone's entitled to have a lawyer dalam keadaan begitu.Anwar is not any Tom, Dick or Harry.He was former DPM and one of world's influential leaders (with great followers in this country across age,race, class and religion).

Sigh.I don't think we can be defensive over what had happened.Dari segi adab dan susila,ia sesuatu yang memalukan.Tak tau la nasib mat rempit kalau pemimpin mcm Anwar pun kena macam ni.Where is human rights? Macam negara koboi.Bang!Bang! Wham!

As a man of law, I'm sure you believe in 'we are innocent until proven guilty'.Awat kalut macam nak serang komunis tu?

Switch said...

Puan Faridah,

Agreed with u,anyway Anwar not proven guilty yet,we shd wait 4 d Police outcome.

Faridah said...

Hi Francis.You are not Francis Francis? (who was flying to Manila this morning?)

Anyway, my other friend Francis and I had an interesting
discussion over why the 1998 scene was re-staged and re-created and this sets me wondering about so many things (again). I think we may be right to think that it may be a military tactic to psychologically and emotionally break Anwar (and his family) and the rakyat! (but with this, BN might lose an upcoming by election in Sanglang and future general elections)

My take is this: Anwar should be tried at the shariah court where not only him or Saiful should be bersumpah over whatever claims or denials both want to establish.

End of story.

Switch said...

Puan Faridah,

M not d Francis flying to Manila this morning.Anyway use to read ur blog often.Look like u r my junior in MSSR.Dato'Sam was my batch n Dato' Ti was my 4 yrs junior.R u going for the MSSR reunion dinner ON 9-8-08.Hope to see u there.

Faridah said...

oh ok.Nice meeting you.You are my senior alright.We have another reunion not too far from where you guys will be.Same date, same time but different venue.Feel free to drop by to meet other juniors if you are bored with your party. :))
