Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Komunikasi dua hala (untuk Dato Ti Lian Ker)

Bait-bait balas saya warna ungu utk apa yang ditulis oleh Dato' dalam warna biru di bawah ini:

Faridah mana satu yang sebenar?
rupanya rakan sebangku sekolah!
memori ni masih segar, tak 'senile'..bila di bangku sekolah...
kita telingkah dan bertelagah..mau ubah negara - seolah-olah..
tapi kita tak berani buat fitnah..

kini..aku begini..engkau begitu..
kita sehala..walaupun tak setuju..
nasib ada blog utk kita sambil lalu..
tidak sedarpun Faridah dah ada buku..

mari kita sama-sama cari titik bersetuju.
demi untuk masa depan anak dan cucu..
janganlah mereka itu terus dibelenggu..
dengan jeratan dan perangkap dulu-dulu..
(diambil dari blog http://tilianker.blogspot.com/)

yang dulunya Kapten (rumah)
masih bisa berbicara
tentang hal-hal besar
ingin mengubah Malaysia

Faridah masih yang sama
mencari keadilan di mana-mana
tanpa ingin mengubah jati diri
Islam hanya satu
tidak ada had hari

Faridah juga percaya
perkauman adalah 'imagined'
dan sesuatu yang dididik
dari bapa kepada anak
dari sekolah ke universiti
bahawa dunia ini ada boundary

Kita mungkin menuju
destinasi yang sama
jalan yang berbeda
tetapi inilah yang
menjadikan kita Malaysia

Perbedaan pendapat adalah rahmat
bukan bencana

arah ke hadapan ialah
menyambut apa sahaja
dengan fikiran terbuka

Majulah kita untuk negara!

wough...macam iklan TV!

But it was nice talking to you again.Thks for calling. We'll catch up soon. Mahmud is 100 years this year.We should all be back and celebrate and give back what we had taken from it. Ada sapa2 nak anjur? I think the school is but I have not heard anything from them.


Ti Lian Ker said...

well we should initiate a working committee...buatlah kat Hyatt Kuantan! any proposal? maybe we start a Mahmudians Corner herelah-in conjunction with a century old..buku ape yang u tulis tu?

Faridah said...

I think we need to check with the school dulu and take it from there?
You suruh lah your secretary call and find out? :)

I think it should be homecoming..we will set up marquees kat padang sekolah, play fireworks, have a one day bazaar ke...I can sell nasi lemak..YBs semua jual la apa yang patut!Bila lagi nak tengok YBs menjual for school charity? hahah..dinner at the school hall..we can have debates sebelah siang.Girls vs boys? Tajuk we think later.Should be fun.

Dato Sham and I will have our own batch reunion in August so August is out.I think Dec would be nice but takut musim hujan.We'll brave the rain and thunder?

Aiseh Shanta (our sch alumnus in London)..if we have this do..rugi you balik in August!

My book is on me.But I rep. a fragment of a nation. :))

I have two others (but they are academic books)- on Shakespeare and Anglophone Msian women writers.

Ti Lian Ker said...

send me yr books and bill me. I have always wantto be awriter...ada kawan writer pun dah cukup la...

Faridah said...

Email me your snail mail add.Give me a couple of weeks cos' am a bit tight now (the new semester is about to begin, flying to the UK fo a conference, bla bla bla)

You are already a writer (blog writing is also seen as a genre).
I compile my writings here.When I have enough, I will publish.It's ok to self-publish.Even great writers like Walt Whitman self-published.I did one myself (I wanted the freedom and control over my work.Also if it's published by others, I only get 10%of sales of my hard work.So in a way, I am also a publisher and distributor.It's a nice feeling being in charge and independent).

My academic books tu are printed by IIUM Research Centre.Will check with them on the two titles.

But you know what? The forthcoming book will be of your interest (I edit with a colleague).It's on Malaysian literatures in which we have writings on Chinese, Malay, English literatures in Malaysia.Scholars of the field raise issues like language politics,multiculturalism, etc.I love this book.It helps us understand each other as we explain ourselves and our concerns.Once it's out, will mail you this too.

Basically my prime concern is women's issues but I hate it when people label me as women's libber.It's so outa fashion!And they make it look like it's a sin to speak for women.

My recent short story (entitled 'Prelude')that got published in Mingguan recently addressed this issue.The world rots not because we lack knowledge but because we lack respect for women.

I can go on. :)

Ti Lian Ker said...

My Add
A 5278 Lrg Tok Sera 9
25250 Kuantan

Have a blessed day dear!