Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Crawled back to Raub to attend my nephew's newborn's cukur rambut.I simply refused to cook.Penat lah.Lagipun I had a bad flu.But much was also catered.Entah apa extra stuffs they cooked.The bubur tasted good.Wanted to sit and learn how they did it (nak cari tukang masak bubur cukur cucu pun susah these days.The cooking technique is different.Bukan main masak je.I managed to interview one nenek.Must write this down.Kalau tak silap she said 5 bungkus tepung beras campur satu tepung pulut.Kapur about the size of your thumb (5 thumbs)...ya..measurement macam ni a bit confusing..some people have bigger thumbs....), santan..aiyoo..I tak ingat sukatan santan dia..someone help! Lepas tu they have a special mould to press the stuff into boiling water (kalau tak silap...I was not in the kitchen to observe the process).

It was a good get together, though.We had two shifts of kenduris.Pagi and petang (for the men).The following day everyone went for a picnic.River picnic.Water was muddy but we found an anak sungai (airnya jernih) and it's amazing how you can have two rivers flowing 2 different directions with different colours of water (satu muddy, satu jernih).Nik lost his glasses cos' he forgot to take them off (too excited jumpa sungai!).Can you imagine he would not allow me to drive the car back to KL? He drove without glasses.I zikir till my tasbih terputus!

Anyway, we had to visit his cousin in Tmn Tun who just lost a nephew in Cherating (he drowned during a family picnic outing).I think the sea in the east coast is not safe to swim in this time of the year.And our kids are not taught swimming at sch (despite us being surrounded by water).When will the Ministry of Education invest money in swimming lessons? (they should start with coastal kids or at least employ fulltime lifesavers.Nik's cousin would have lost all 3 nephews had it not been for two kind foreigners (an Aussie and an Iranian who were strong swimmers).They managed to save 2 of the 3 kids.Dengan izin Allah.
What's so amazing with this family is, there was no remorse.Everyone was so accepting of the tragedy.My American friend who converted to Islam once said, "Muslims die well." Or rather we mourn well.


Ti Lian Ker said...

Hey! How come you didn't call me in Raub??

Faridah said...

Alaa...I pun sibuk with my family's kenduri.YOU should have called me, Dato'...no open house kaa?? :)) Next Chinese New Year/Raya, OK? Happy belated Chinese New Year,anyway.I hope it's a good one for all of us.Next year my year (Tiger).I'm supposed to be a rabbit (1963) tapi lahir bulan awal so termasuk dalam batch 1962. :(

Ti Lian Ker said...

oh! u r a tigress? Surprose!. I am a tiger la............

Faridah said...

padan la garang sangat.Hahaha