Sunday, January 31, 2010

ASA room

Not many turned up to do up the room but we managed to work on something.The kids will return this week and help paint plus decorate the room.We have decided to keep the room (space is important to it is, there is no meeting place for us to network in a lepak way) I hope the uni will not take back this room.We love it cos' there's a lot of sun coming from our glass windows and the river view...cantik.And the guys were saying senang nak pi semayang at the mosque and buy lunch afterwards.The room Rector offers memang cantik but if it means we have to get permission everytime we want to use it (cos' we will be sharing with Holdings), I think it will not be a good arrangement.Kalau uni. bagi terus, we don't mind! Wakaka.

Last week Suhaimi spoke on leadership deficit (about 8 people came..memang this is the setting.Discussions work best in smaller groups).And we did have a very lively and reflective discussion.I truly enjoyed it.

The second week we had Prof Kamal talking on Muslim intellectuals.Could not stay back for discussions so I don't know what I missed but the talk was excellent.

I have to postpone the lunch (this Fri) with our SHELL friends in PD to attend the talk on kalimah Allah (from legal perspective).That should be good.Aslam said Dr. Shamrahayu is against it but Prof Aziz Bari kata tak apa.

Spent all day shopping for furniture today.Nik wanted a new lazy chair utk nengok TV dia. I wanted to get my mom a new wardrobe.My mom and Z had flown to JB to spend a week with Mek.Z is hopeful to go shopping in Spore. If my mom is up to it, bolehlah pergi.Kalau tak sihat..takdalah.

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