Monday, March 08, 2010

Happy Women's Day

Gals, we still have a longgggggggg way to go.Guys, you better start your own movement and help educate your species (teach them to be gentlemen, respectful and kind to women)

I celebrated it by attending a lunch hosted by H.E. Penny Williams, the out-going Australian High Commissioner to Msia.Sitting at my table were Datin Frieda of Cempaka Schools (it has grown so big now with so many branches and producing world class students who win international competitions esp, in Maths).Ivy Josiah was at my table too.We touched base a little and discussed child sex industry in Msia.I told them my social worker contact told me Msia is a hub ...child prostitutes can be as young as 8 years old (in Spore I was told they fetched SD20K per nite.Kurang ajar punya jantan! Binatang!)

It is a different reality once you know Chow Kit, Jalan Alor where everything happens: drugs, prostitution, segala macam haramjadah organised crimes you can think of! Janganlah tidur lena makan sedap sangat.We are rotting!

My 6 million ringgit question is: mengapa government tak bulldoze je area ni?
Jawaban: sebab they need to sweep the dirt under a carpet somewhere.Ketidak binatang2 ini akan merayap ke KLCC, Bangsar...habis la image "bersih" satu Malaysia kita!

Happy Women's Day? Think of those on sale!


Lady of Leisure said...

Salam Dr..
talking about those yang masih on sale kan... semalam saya transit 10 jam di amsterdam, sempat ambik panorama city tour there, really enjoy visiting their countryside but terkejut skit masa visiting their old town specifically at the red light district... saya baru tahu yang prostitution is legal there...

Faridah said...

Lady ~ you memang lady of leisure..kejap kat Geneva, kejap at Amsterdam..syoknya.Is winter still bad? Dah start panas dah?

Yes, isn't it sad at Red Light District tu? I went more than a decade ago.Takut nak lalu so I tompang curi one tour group (they actually organised a walk around pusat maksiat tu) Yang ramai Asians and Africans, kan? Don't think they are willing.Setengah tu kena jual/enslaved to the profession and when you've been many years, you become addicted (one pros my mom in law terjumpa in Msia some years ago admitted she could not get out of the profession...dia mcm ketagih walaupun umur dah past 50)

It makes me sad just thinking.

Lady of Leisure said...

Salam Dr,
winter agak teruk this time, florida sangat sejuk, drive from tampa to orlando, minnesota masih bersalji, amsterdam masih bersalji last 2 weeks.. sepatutnya dah boleh tengok tulips tapi sebab winter lama sangat, end of april baru tulip garden bukak..

tour yang saya ambik tu memang lalu kat Red Light District tu, terkejut tak terkata tengok depa dok menari di tingkap2, lelebih lagi kita sebagai perempuan, masa saya lalu tu nampak ada sorang pelanggan masuk, muka selamba jer, dah la siang hari isk isk isk.. macam2 saya baru tahu bila lalu di situ, kedai jual dadah pun ada.. its legal there kan..

Faridah said...

memang Holland ni gitu.Nak masuk pun senang.You tengok semua benda remind you of safe sex kan? road dividers, kunci hotel..semua rupa benda allah tu berkondom.Masa I pu tu summer so byk street performances/busking.Malam2 bising tak leh tidur..depa main music tepi jalan.Hotel I org Egypt jaga.Ramai Surinam gals.Indonesian foods byk tapi sataynya tak halal.

I have never been to Florida but Minnesota, dah.Sejuk nak mampos!Sampai lemas dgn heater..bila I pi keluar for fresh air, tak lama sejuk menggeletar.I'm not a winter person.Ada you tertanya macamana gini sejuk they could build the city? Manusia jenis apa boleh bina satu kota yang gah di Minnesota? I diberitau, manusia Jerman berbadan sasa.

Lady of Leisure said...

hehe betul2... sampai sex museum pun ada kan... tak pernah lagi tidur di amsterdam, teringin juga nak try tidur dalam boat house.. macam romantic jer..

me too(not a winter person), kalau sejuk sangat tangan sebelah kiri ni selalu jadi lenguh tulang.. cant imagine how kan dorang bekerja dalam kesejukkan...

budak2 malaysia yang pi wisconsin untuk study tu macam mana lah agaknya, sana pun sejuk tahap dewa kan..

no wonder depa semua kalau mai malaysia enjoy sangat2 kan, malam2 pun boleh jalan2 sekitar KL pakai tshirt dengan seluar pendek.. masa di sana depa dok tanya, cuaca malaysia sekarang macam mana, i told them malaysia agak panas sekarang, semua pakat nak mai sini.. hehe..

Faridah said...

Ahad lepas masa kami pi Low Yat cari router, nampak ramai sangat mat salleh (tapi mcm yang tak kaya)berjalan2 di kotaraya kita.Nmpk mcm French je.Ng Yen Yen kata market Europe bermula di situ.Gamaknya tourists dia la tu.Semua nak duduk kat hotel murah2.They should improve conditions of our low budget hotels.Demandnya tinggi.The one I went to (to collect English friends in town) bersih tapi right in the middle of Chinatown.Tapi pijak luar drivers dia pun mcm gengster.Kat parking lot pun seram.This guy approached me..masa tu lot takda orang ...only this car parked there..he said saya punya kereta boleh tolong kaa? I punya takut..rasa nak menjerit tak tentu pasal! Nasib tak jauh dari situ ada 2 guards.Tak jadi I nak menjerit!When I called my husband, he said get out of there NOW.Mcm crime movie je. :))

Lady of Leisure said...

agree with u DR, kalau budget hotel di luar even yang 19usd pun tapi keadaannya sangat bersih, and sometimes ada breakfast.. compare to rm19 punya hotel di sini.. hehe..

Faridah said...

Itulah kita ni..dok pentingkan profit but not comfort walhal sebagai negara majority Muslim, kita patut lebih2 bagi comfort pada musafir kita walaupun mereka ni tourists.

Masa kat NYC, kami pernah tinggal kat Youth Hostel tapi punyalah convenient and bersih.Murah tu tak payah cakap lah.Hotel mahal pun tak convenient macam youth hostel ni.

But ntg can beat accommodation in NZ.Sooooooooooooo convenient (boleh masak sendiri...kolam mandi air panas..alat2 memasak semua ada)I suka accommodation yang boleh masak sendiri sebab rasa mcm rumah sikit kan? (tapi cuaca a bit cooler).

Dah takda le nak melancung gini sejak jadi fulltime misi ni. Haha.

Lady of Leisure said...

sejuk2 masuk kolam mandi air panas mesti rasa macam tak mau keluar kan.. :D

hehe.. takpe Dr insyaAllah nanti akan ada kelapangan untuk holiday...
i really enjoy baca entry2 Dr yang lepas2... jenjalan ke Niagara Fall etc..

Faridah said...

apa nak buat Lady...sekarang semua cerita orang sakit...redho je la dugaan masing2...