Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Massive traffic jam on MRR2 ke Sg Buloh

I was stuck on MRR2 heading to Sg Buloh from Gombak for almost 5 hours yesterday.An hour into the jam, I rang up the traffic dept.The guy said he heard nothing and said it was common to be trapped at such an hour.I said no...I go through this route daily.This is mother of jams.He said oh.He'd investigate.I thought "don't we have sophisticated gadgets to detect accidents ke hapa ke when massive jam like this happens.Why so 4th world one?"

I was tired, hungry, nak pi loo, etc.So when I saw the next available sign to go back the opposite direction, I blah.Was too tired by now to take the alternative route (Duke yang mahal itu and there's no guarantee that it would not be jammed up as well yah?) So I did the wisest thing..stopped over at my sister's place in Gombak and slept over (rang up Nik to explain).

About 5 am I drove back home.

Lepas tu I rang up traffic to find out what happened (it was not in the news).The guy said bukan dia yang on duty semalam so he didn't know (how odd..again I thought don't they have records flashing somewhere in the system?) I told him I was going to call up a few Ministries to highlight a few things (like don't they have KPIs to clear up accidents within certain2 timeframe but not 5 hours! My fren sampai rumah 11 pm semalam) so can he find up what happened before I put in my report even traffic dept didn't know what was happening.

So the chap was kind enough to call me back and said it was an accident motor and kereta kat Kepong (but I went through Kepong...takda apa pun...ambulance and police car went further!) Anyway kalau motor and kereta takkan sampai 5 jam nak clear? Macam treler and treler je berlanggar!

But I emailed Dr Tan, MP for Kepong.Besok I nak call up the two ministries.It is so counter productive allowing rakyat jelata spending time and fuel so long like that just becos' there is inefficiency somewhere (and we want to know where so that we can tackle the root problem) The policeman said ini perkara biasa.My! Should we live with perkara biasa dan terus merana? When perkara burok jadi biasa, something is wrong somewhere.Someone is definitely not thinking to be better!


jooli said...

Good for you. We must give them all these feedback so they (the police) should know their salary upgrade must come with better work ethics. There are spots on the MRR2(Melati) that collect water when it rains but nothing has ben done. But in my workplace, nothing different. I am supposed to fill in a form online and I couldn't access the portal. Clled up the guy in-charge & he said probably puan baru kerja. I told him I'd been working for 20 years. He laughed. Maybe puan went on a unpaid leave... 6 months? Ihaven't done so, I said. He laughed again. Maybe you went on study leave? Gimme that leave please, I said. He promised to look into it. Sama je ceritanya.

Faridah said...

Jooli: Geram, kan? And I wasted all day to see the doc.Bila sampai, dia cuma belek2 tangan mak I and said boleh balik.Hahaha.Dtg awal nombor awal but it took them so long to get the file (so org yang datang kemudian got to see the doc first).Macam takda sistem.I think we are lacking the technology, still.Itu yang mcm kangaroo.