Tuesday, May 31, 2011

On deen and right sources in learning

The 3 sheikhs visited IIUM main campus today.Dr Azman's Quranic class was hijacked for the talk at 10 am but students (from Muslim minority countries) appreciated the 1 hour session as Sheikh Al-Hares spoke on the importance of knowing Arabic to understand Quran and the danger of relying on translated works (like Yusuf Ali is bad news, OK? Most mosques in Australia have withdrawn copies of Yusuf Ali cos' his translations are off on a tangent..kufur in many..I love Yusuf Ali..cos' of the many references he has in his footnotes of things literary and philosophical).

The Sheikhs read doas twice at CERDAS..so maybe we'd get our first million soon.Haha.
Bro. Nasser performed nasyeed ..ahh..so mengasyikkan dan memilukan...I don't have to know what the nasyeed meant..it's so melodious..

A student from a Communist occupied country said while the religion advocates both male and female to learn, read Quran, etc..it is very difficult to do that in her country..people go to jail for reading Quran.Almost in tears, she asked the Sheikh what best solution would he offer to overcome such a situation.

I was teary too..here we are ...free to read the Quran and yet...so malas to do so...we take our religious freedom for granted in this country...

Sheikh said a lot of people could still practise their religiosity but practising it quietly.No excuse not to do, huh?

Another student came fwd and congratulated us for such quality prog.Sapa yang kata CERDAS tu nama macam sekolah kampong? :)) We are INTERNATIONAL, babe. :)


jooli said...

I agree about learning Arabic to u/stand the Quran more; and we have so many Arabic speaking people around on campus; so there's no excuse for us too.
I've been learning the language for almost 20 years, and still not making much progress. :(

Faridah said...

Jooli: tell me about it..I once hired a personal tutor to teach me arabic..for a month dia dok ajar I mengira 1 to 10.In the end I fired him.I think it's the teaching methodology lah...why is it in the west, the mat salleh can pick up within 6 months je?But I am determined to re-learn Arabic now..maybe not in Msia.

ubuntu_linux said...


i pun sama case. i pun nak migrate n find job in middle east after i finish my phd so that i could learn arabic in natural setting. diorg cakap few months dah boleh :)

Faridah said...

Ubuntu: tapi agak kucar kacir in the Middle East now..try jordan although they say kat Syria is the best to go.

Mohd Shahrizal Nasir said...

Plan to visit CERDAS office in this month. Dapat sikit2 barakah dari doa syeikh tu pun dah ok. Prof, minta sheikh tu doakan saya cepat ehem... ehem... next year paling lambat.... erkkk... :)

Faridah said...

Rizal: kalau you sampai Jumaat ni,Sheikh Ibrahim bagi khutbah Jumaat (in Arabic).Boleh la minta dia tiup puh kanan puh kiri agar wanita2 jelita dan beriman nampak Rizal hensem round the clock dan berebut2 nak kawin.Haha.I'll be away mid June till 2nd week of July so end of month tu, saya takda.Dr. Azman boleh tiup kalau dia tak pi Europe or Japan (dia selalu keluar membawa perjuangan Islamic Finance dia tu) :)

Mohd Shahrizal Nasir said...

Aik...tak perlu tipan sheikh tu, saya memang hensem kowt...ngeee. Orait Prof, kalau tak sempat jumpa Prof, jumpa PA Prof kat CERDAS pun okaiii... Owh, Dr. Azman Md. Nor ke? Segan la pulak... :)

Faridah said...

Rizal: hemsem memang hensem tapi saya cakap hensem ROUND the clock.Walaupun tengah tidur.Haha.InsyaAllah see you one of these days.

Anonymous Devil said...

the communist country is north korea, is it? if china, i think they are free to exercise their religion.

any language is the same. we often wonder why is it so difficult for students to pick up english. the same with how these students who are good in arabic wonder why is it so difficult for us to pick up arabic. it's because we rarely use the language which we believe has little importance to us.

Faridah said...

Xlanx: atas security reason I cannot disclose the country (kalau gomen dia tau dia belajar kat UIA..habis...tak boleh balik dah kot?) It's not North Korea... (depa tu makan pun tak cukup..nak naik plane dtg Msia lagi la tak mampu kot? Kita tak pernah ada Koreans as students, kan? Jepun ada)

F A L T 0 said...

Bro Nasser tu ustaz Jibril ke?? [the ustaz formerly known as Azazil back in matric??]

by the way I too have been trying to understand Arabic since tadika ABIM to high school to UIA tapi sampai sekarang tak pandai2. entah kenapala bebal sangat :[

takpela.. sekarang saya tengah nak memahamkan the arabic we recited in our solat. berusaha nak dapatkan kemanisan khusyu' sbb most of the time mmg sukar nak fokus aduhai.....

Faridah said...

no..bukan nasser matric.Dia org Australia.

Teknik belajar arab melalui quran paling efektif.Saya pernah cuba.Lepas tu ustaz tu cabut pulak.Tak cukup student katanya.

Pishaposh said...

Salam Prof.

Saya tertarik bab translation Yusof Ali yg dikatakan off on a tangent tu ... ada any links yg cerita pasal benda tu? Sbb saya memang suka baca dia punya translation ...

BTW, terasa sedih juga bila hari tu baca kat paper yg Uighur muslims dilarang berpuasa oleh kerajaan China ... semoga dugaan ini buat mereka lebih sabar. Amin.

Selamat berpuasa!