Tuesday, May 03, 2011

playing mom

It's Makoto's first day today..there's the ELS registration to do, ID card to be sorted out, accommodation matters, visa, etc etc.

I had to show him how to do this and that.We took a ride to KL tompang Nik ( I malas drive).From there naik monorail and then LRT to KLCC.You know I don't take public transport, kan? I must have looked so lost ...but people were so helpful.They treated me like a tourist.Haha.I could not believe Msians are so kind! I must have this muka kesian look on me.

Lepas dropping Makoto at ELS and talking to Douglas on arrangement kita nak share profits, I pi jumpa Wak for foot reflexology (my spine and leg were aching!).Wak is my long time blind masseur and Allah gives him this ability to heal like no one else could.You tau, all my pains went away after my one hour session with Wak? God bless him.

Then I took a cab home.Cost me a bomb.Then went back to KL to pick my new son.Kerja gila, kan? Balik ke IIUM, sorted what needed to be sorted out.Went to pick Habib.Long is in town and Habib had to work on her prob. pulak.

So long day.
Makoto will live on campus next week.He needs to improve his Arabic and learn Islam.Campus life will be good for him.


F A L T 0 said...

alamak prof we have both pokok limau kasturi and pokok kenanga in front of the house (luar pagar exactly)! pls advice, thanks!

and by the way, my well wishes to makoto! harap dia dapat banyak manafaat sepanjang berada di UIA/ Msia :]

Faridah said...

Kalau takda benda2 pelik berlaku, you do not have to worry.In my case..I got sick and my kiai said it's the genie bawah pokok limau depan rumah.I terpijak permainan anak dia..haha..

Don't think too much of it.Nanti jadi tahyul and syirik.In my case, I got a student from IRK to recite ayat2 ruqyah and siram the pokok limau.My kaki still sakit (sebab slipped disc!)so I do physio and other stuffs to strengthen my muscles.

Makoto is enjoying himself.Semalam makan masak lemak cili api..he said pedas but sedap.Has picked up Bahasa Melayu to communicate with Bibik.He reads Quran dalam Bahasa Arab.

Anonymous Devil said...

makoto? lame tak bukak blog dr. banyak dah tinggal. hehe.