Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lunch hour at 40 something

Here I am, in between marking exam scripts and filling in claim forms.

At 40 something.

35 mins past 2 pm.

I think in hours and minutes now.

Sometimes I do not know what day it is.What month (with some exaggeration here).

I talk to rabbits and quails.Bibik is my best friend.Am I getting stranger or has the world changed so much?

Stranger things have happened.Like today.The guy I rang up for is the same guy I spoke with 3 weeks ago (rang him for my mom's medicine).I lost the 1st guy's no.My sister found the 2nd guy's.I rang him up thinking he's a different person.Bila jumpa, I said haven't we met before? Dia pun nampak terkejut. :)

And Msia is buzzing with bila election? question.

At 40 something, reaching the big Five 0, I don't really care.

For now. :)


Neuromancer said...

You'll always look thirty-something to me madam ;)

Mawar said...

Neuromancer n Kak F,
setuju! :-)

Faridah said...

Neuromancer and Mawar yang baik hati: semoga di pagi Jumaat yang mulia ini, Allah gembirakan hati kalian berdua kerana telah menggumbirakan hati seorang hati hamba Allah yang lain.Peeweet! Haha.TK.

Selamat bertugas semuanya.

From 30-something. ;)