Saturday, January 07, 2012

Will working from home work in Malaysia?

A few friends and I were discussing this recently.We were all a bit skeptical it would work.Prof N said it didn't go that well in the West despite the huu haas. But I'd read nice glossy reports by a couple of O&G companies that these were their strength (for female employees esp. nursing moms).

The Msian government is about to introduce this, I think.Waahhh..even ELs are working from home pulak? I didn' work (tapi this without any guideline).I was 'working' from home during breakfast time.My better half started calling from downstairs, "Yo gal, you come and breakfast with me. I said," but I'm working from home". :))

No go.

Lesson to be learnt: do not turn your bedroom or your kitchen as your home office.It would nevr work.

And here's a funny story from my Rector as the group brainstormed on IIUMy Family blueprint:

A wife retorted to a friend, "This working from home is too much."
Friend: what happened?
Wife: My husband now brings home his work.This is really too much!


Jahit mayat!

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