Sunday, June 16, 2013

Greetings from Budapest

 tasik yang cantik

 on the way from Budapest to Salzburg (train view)

 where Matthew parked his car to walk to our apt (tak jauh)

 the street of our apt ..central of Pest

 Dekat apt kami ada restoran Syria yang halal

 Apartment di Budapest yang perfect.With caretaker Matthew yang budiman (picked us at the airport..tolong belikan kita tickets ke Salzburg dan my Hungarian jazz cd)

 Promosi pakaian musim panas..model nya menari2 di belakang dinding kaca

 Depa dah tiru beca kita

 Begini le bilik tidur at youth hostel tu.This room has 5 beds
but we had 3 beds and tak perlu kongsi2 dgn org lain

 On the way back to Manchester at a youth hostel in Budapest
where we had to wash our own dishes (ala2 backpackers gitu)
Trust budak kecik to book your holiday (Z booked all) !

 cili kering is used as a decor in the Hungarian tradition

 The cruise we took on the Danube

Budapest Parliament House by the Danube

breakdancing buskers in Budapest
Me so happy that there's a halal Syrian restaurant on the same street as our Apt.Syukur

Fruit sticks to promote summer wear at a shop

Roma? Nengok nasib on the street of Budapest
(Pest side)

We flew from Manchester to Budapest yesterday.I love this city cos' it's walkable.We walked along Danube River after lunch at a Syrian halal restaurant near our apartment. We are right at the city changer at our doorstep, souvenir shop, Danube is like 10 mins walk.MasyaAllah...Allah knew how much this break was needed.I tak cuti dah lama.

We took a one hour cruise on Danube.The Turks (read Muslims) ruled Hungary for 250 years so the cuisine, rupa org2 kat sini mcm Turkish juga.

Pics later.I takut nak go phone roaming lagi so updating the blog isn't real time.Only when there's free wi-fi.

Harap maklum.

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