Saturday, June 01, 2013

All tears

These days if I go to weddings,I'd be in tears most of the time. Satu, cos' parents lose their child to a marriage.Dua, you are humbled by the union.

Today was one of my friends' son's wedding.He went through so much...2 weddings yg tak menjadi.Today my fren said the son said harap2 kali ini menjadi.Kesian, kan? He's the type who would give up a calon isteri if the mom does not restu.Muka bdk ni mmg muka syurga.I was in tears thinking about murninya hati bdk up all loves of his life just so he gets his mom's restu.

Akhirnya  Allah beri dia jodoh yg bkn sahaja cantik, cerdik tetapi juga beriman (it so happens, the bride is the daughter of one of my friends of Matric days.Yam and hubby memang terkenal kuat pegangan agamanya.You'd see how berkat their family is)'s so touching to see how great Allah is! I'm so happy for everyone and wish them much baraqah and blessing.

The reception will be during the time me and family are away so that's why we were invited to this akad..basically meant for family je.I'm glad I was able to attend.I enjoyed the wedding tazkirah.Jurunikah kata kita kalau dah kawin, buat cara dah kawin.Jgn berkelakuan mcm org bujang...buat apa-apa tak bersama.Also, jgn materialistic dan terima pasangan kita seadanya cos' takda manusia yg perfect.Kalau isteri tak pandai memasak, mengemas rumah, jgn mudah sgt nak ceraikan dia.

Simpoi kan? But it rings life.I made new friends.One young (friendly) Datin said ohhh...anak saya next year baru nak pi UK (after she asked me whr my kids were).Course apa? I tanya.

Medic, she said.
Oh cool.Where?
Cambridge University.

So happy to knw we have many intelligent young Muslims.I hope they will return to serve the country.


Mawar said...

Kak F
akhir-akhir ini saya juga begitu, melihat sesuatu dengan garis ukur yang bertentangan. misalnya melihat "kemalangan" bukan satu "kesengsaraan", tapi sebaliknya. kemalangan adalah hadiah dari Allah...

Faridah said...

Mawar: Mungkin semakin kita berusia, semakin lain tafsiran kita tentang arti kehidupan.Semoga kita terus diberi petunjuk.Selamat bercuti.UIA sedang mengakhiri minggu-minggu peperiksaannya.Saya sudah selesai dan akan bercuti awal sedikit.

Mawar said...

Kak F
oh tidak...hanya mahasiswa yang bercuti. kami sangat sesak dengan bengkel, mesyuarat dan seminar.

Faridah said...

Mawar: Take it easy.Curi masa utk rehat.I've been there.Bila dah 50 baru nampak kesannya.