Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 3 at IWFF@IIUM

Terasa penat dah.This morning I was at the documentary session.Wough, very informative.Prof Ibrahim pun kata he found all the entries fascinating.

Then Dr. Jeff Halper came and spoke of political bullyings on Palestinian subjects.I like wht he said about governments always not doing the right thing.He said governments do not leave.They change.They do not lead,they follow.The people's job is to push/pressure governments till they follow what the people want.Cantik, kan?

I keep receiving anonymous messages through iwff website (kinda figure out who...Mr.Sourgrapes who thinks he should be the centre of the universe but feels abandoned and unimportant cos' the world continues to spin without him).

What can I say? Bak kata KJ...I do not layan politik longkang. :)) If you do not even have the balls to leave your proper email address when you harass (dok tukar2 pulak tu...menipu diri sendiri) do not expect to be treated with respect.

Dah tak suka baca writings on website kita (, sapa suruh baca? Pi la cari kerja lain to fill up your time.

The special screenings went well with Ms. Jacinta Gould, NZ Deputy High Commissioner giving an interesting introduction on Islam in NZ and Coffee and Allah.It was the Chinese gold miners who first brought Islam to NZ (the first recorded existence as it appeared in the 1874 census). 20 years later Indian Muslims arrived, followed by Eastern Europe Muslims after WW2.

Prof. Zikrgoo did a philosophical introduction on Iran.Islam.Film.He also spoke on his latest art exhibition which he just completed at Matrade.

More later.

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