Friday, October 18, 2013

School visit, spa and NZ dinner

Nama je cuti...I got up before Subuh and soon after collected Dr. Saodah and I had to drive bck to Gombak to pick up materials for the sch visit.Geram betul..terlupa nak bwk balik rumah before Raya.

Then we took Duke to Rawang.Selva came early but we were earlier.:) What a welcoming team from SMK Seri Gareng (yup..gareng) from Principal dia to students.We collected our data.We had bright kids.Promised Puan Ho we'd help out with the problematic kids.Rang a couple of friends to help out.Harap2 menjadi.After dropping off Saodah, went to collect my baju and then spa...while I was dozing off during facial time, tiba2 I mimpi mengarut and could not breathe.Ada syaitan ke hapa bilik ni.Screamed for Nikki who left me in the semi dark room.Cheh!I asked her ada hantu ke bilik ni.She thought I merepek ke hapa.

Malam: trapped in jam but had time to do Maghrib at the dinner meant to welcome MBA students from Uni. of Waikato at NZ High Comm's place.I thought Helmy would be there..takda.Met Datuk Meriam of DeLoitte. Tan Sri Halim Saad pun ada.Kurus  benor dia kini.Leo Moggie pun ada.

Told Datuk Meriam, lain kali kalu dinner weekday, malas nak dtg lagi..jam gila.Then we thought we could tompang each other if we decide to go. Set! ;)

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